122 Total Reviews
122 Reviews
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Feb 17, 2024

I'm beginning my third year of study with Pauline, chiefly attending the Saturday morning Ignite 50+ class due to both my age and my too long history of orthopedic injuries.  I started taking vinyasa flow and kundalini yoga classes over 20 years ago.  Pauline's classes are completely different and perfect for me.  She is scrupulous at watching her students to ensure that poses are being done properly to avoid injury, and she somehow manages to recall the frailties of each student's body to provide them with appropriate modifications and/or props when needed.  I truly appreciate her diligence and good humor, and I leave each class walking taller and feeling strong!

Alcove Yoga response

Thank you, Kay  Lynn! It's great to have you in class. We do offer quicker moving classes for the young people. But as you pointed out, age can bring challenges with past injuries and current frailties. That is one reason to have a beginner's class person over 50. Also, because we take only 10 students in any class, we are able to really see that everyone is practicing properly for their current condition and suggest modifications for each when needed.

Feb 15, 2024

Was my first lesson, Pauline was very good showing the positions herself and correcting all the way to ensure the best results
Recommended…will be back

Alcove Yoga response

Thank you for coming, Alejandro and for the kind words!

Feb 10, 2024

Prenatal yoga is fantastic! Pauline is very attentive and intentional with her movements. At the start of each class we go around in a circle and say our symptoms - she uses the practice to relieve each persons pain points while still maintaining a full body stretch for the class. I leave each class feeling stronger and free of tension in my muscles. Highly recommend.

Alcove Yoga response

Thank you, Zahabia! So glad to have you in class.

Jan 17, 2024

Pauline is an excellent teacher! I love how I feel after class. I was introduced to Alcove Yoga when I was pregnant with my second child. I did prenatal classes throughout my pregnancy and experienced a major difference in how I felt and carried the pregnancy. With my first child, I struggled with back pain. My second pregnancy went a lot smoother and my back pain was no more! My labor went shockingly smooth and I felt strong before and after. I am now doing her women’s classes and have been loving the increased energy, improved sleep, and strength I have been gaining so far. Highly recommend!

Alcove Yoga response

so glad to have you back in class, Lauren! thank you!

Jan 17, 2024

Real Yoga

Alcove Yoga response

Thanks, Pooja!

Nov 18, 2023

Pauline is an excellent teacher.  This form of Yoga is MUCH better than the 'flow' yoga because you actually HOLD poses and build strength along with getting in excellent stretches.  The classes are small so she is able to individualize instruction so everyone gets the maximum benefit.  Highly recommend!

Alcove Yoga response

Thank you Lamar! So true. We do hold the poses and build intelligence and stamina. Thanks for being a great student!

Sep 25, 2023

Pauline is by far the most knowledgeable yoga instructor I've ever had the fortune to be instructed by.
This is the yoga pedagogy I've been searching for!  
Than you to y friend for introducing me to Iyengar yoga and in particular to Alcove Yoga.
I feel a sense of calm every time I finish an Alcove Yoga session.

Alcove Yoga response

Thanks for your review, Ruth! It's always a pleasure to work with you.

Sep 23, 2023

This has been my first experience with Iyengar yoga.  I waited until after my 2nd class to write this review to make sure I liked it. :). Pauline is an amazing instructor and I really enjoy her energy, instruction and support.  I am finding Iyengar to be the style of asana that works best for me in really honing in on body alignment, focus and the experience of really connecting to my body in a way that keeps me out of my head as I have experienced in other forms of asana practices. I'm honored to be led by such a wonderful teacher!

Alcove Yoga response

Tracy, thanks for the great review!
We are happy to have you in the classes!
Please visit us again soon.

Sep 23, 2023

I have done many forms of hatha yoga over the years: hatha with some meditation, some ashtanga, some heated vinyasa, even Bikram, and I loved the specificity of Iyengar. Our bodies are all different so we may need different modifications. With another pregnancy now, my doula recommended Pauline "if I wanted to work and not just lay in child's pose." I wanted to work: having anxiety and some body discomfort, focusing on postures and movements helps keep my mind away from the intrusive thoughts. I also do CrossFit, so I like to make my body work. I had taken time off yoga as the studios I would frequent had closed, and my favorite instructor was now further away, and online yoga wasn't quite the same. I was a bit nervous being rusty from practice, but the classes are supportive, and all the attendees are there to work and not judge. Pauline's instruction also tailors to how each attendee feels that week, if we have a specific physical ailment. And Iyengar prenatal yoga has been a great complement to my strength work: it is also training in its own way, albeit with expansion and forbearance. I almost always feel calmer coming out than when I came in. There is one particular pose I am reminded of in daily life: tadasana. It's a very basic pose, but so fundamental. Pauline had us slouch and be in our default, then stand in tadasana, and feel how our breath and bearing improved. In the daily hustle of mothering and resulting fatigue, I try to remember tadasana, to feel taller and more at ease. Not always easy, and still a good reminder. I am glad and grateful to get instruction from Pauline and share class with all the other expecting moms.

Alcove Yoga response


Thanks for your great review and for being a student in our Pregnancy Yoga classes. I'm so glad you remembered the importance of Tadasana!

Aug 7, 2023

I am new to Houston and expecting my first baby. I'm so thankful to have found Pauline Schloesser's Alcove Yoga studio! Her prenatal yoga class has become something I look forward to each week, as she tailors each class to address whatever discomforts we may be experiencing. And each week, I learn something new which I can practice at home. Pauline is attentive and direct, she corrects anyone whose form may result in injury and she helps you understand how to get the most out of each asana. It's also fun to hear how pregnancy is effecting all of the women and be in a room so clearly full of life. I fully recommend this class to anyone and I hope to attend other kinds of classes in the future!

Alcove Yoga response

Thanks Amanda!!! It's wonderful to have you as a student.

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