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Nicole D’Andrea

Nicole D'Andrea Consulting, Yoga & Wellness Business Coach

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Area of Expertise
Consulting and Coaching
Industry Type
Yoga Wellness

Nicole D’Andrea is a business coach for yoga studio owners and wellness practitioners. Her main goal? To help women of the wellness community stop undervaluing themselves and their businesses.

She helps women think bigger, work smarter, and create improved commercial success so they can enjoy the financial freedom to live out their life dreams, whatever their individual dreams may be.

Nicole’s consulting business was built on the success of her own studio’s impressive growth trajectory. She leverages her strategic sixth sense, her first hand understanding and experience, and her bigger vision for the industry and uses this to help others build profitable businesses and achieve the mindset mastery required to sustain them.

She has achieved tremendous results from her own studio experience and is helping a growing number of clients do the same. The consulting business is her means for sharing these insights and empowering others to grow their mindsets and their bottom lines.

Nicole is quickly gaining a reputation for being the Success Coach who expands mindsets, profits and possibilities. And she’s just fine with that!

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