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Your Bump and Body
Your Bump and Body


Mar 10, 2019 - Apr 7, 2019
Number of Sessions:
Days of week


“There is no such thing as a baby, there is a baby and someone.” ~Dr. Donald Winnicott
This series of stand-alone workshops is designed for the expectant mama at any stage in her
pregnancy. The goal is to foster connection to and compassion for your body and its capabilities. You will also receive specific tools and strategies to support you in your pregnancy comfort, facilitate your birth experience and guide you towards resources for optimizing your postpartum recovery. Each workshop will be 2.5 hours of learning using a balance of teaching and experiential components with opportunity to address fears and concerns amongst a community of supportive women. 

The 3 Workshops:
Oct. 18th: Pelvic health in pregnancy: Making connections and optimizing comfort
You will learn about:
- What our deep core system is (structure and function)
- How our core changes in pregnancy
- How this contributes to common aches and pains that we experience during pregnancy
- Strategies for alleviating discomfort in pregnancy and optimizing recovery

Oct. 25th: Pelvic health in childbirth: Functional movement for working with your baby
You will learn about:
- Strategies for preparing the pelvic floor during late stage pregnancy
- Practicing movement, positions, and support strategies to provide comfort & facilitate the labor dance
- Pelvic health considerations when it’s time to push
*Dress comfortably and be prepared for some dancing!*

Nov. 8th: Pain science 101 for birth
You will learn about:
- The impact of fear in childbirth and strategies to optimize feelings of safety
- The neurophysiology of pain and how this shows up in childbirth
- The importance of building a diverse labor toolbox
- Some pain management strategies and comfort measures to get you started!

Each workshop is $55 OR sign up for all 3 workshops for $130 ($35 savings)

- Birth Partners are invited to join Workshops #2 and/or #3 for an additional $25.00/workshop. Email to sign up your partner.

Your guide is Lara Desrosiers, a mother of two and owner of Pelvic Resilience. Pelvic Resilience is a private Occupational Therapy service with a passion for supporting women in pelvic health recovery at all stages of life including perinatal transitions. Lara is a mental health clinician and has jumped in wholeheartedly to the core and pelvic health world in her continuing education over the last couple of years. She was motivated to do so by her own pelvic health journey in which she saw a clear role for occupational therapy due to ALL of the ways that our pelvic health can affect our ability to engage in our day to day lives, our relationships and can be tied to our emotional wellness. Knowing our bodies, trusting our bodies, being present in our bodies breeds resilience during times of transition and growth. Visit to learn more about Lara’s training and availability to provide individualized support.

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