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Purna Yoga East
Aadil Palkhivala Yoga Workshop
Aadil Palkhivala Yoga Workshop


Jan 31, 2020 - Feb 2, 2020
Number of Sessions:
Days of week


Spend the weekend with International Yoga Master, Aadil Palkhivala.


Aadil Palkhivala

Purna Yoga East

Jan 31-Feb, 2020


Friday, Jan 31st

1:30pm-4:30pm- Joy, Power and Beauty in Living Through Asana

The spirit, when it enters a body seeks the experiences of life. The 3 elements necessary for fulfillment are power, beauty and joy. Power is required to make things happen. Beauty is the flow of energy in harmony. Joy is the realization that all is one. Learn to do a practice where these 3 elements are the focus. Aadil will incorporate philosophy, prakāshāyāma and the practice of asana.



6:00-8:30pm-Hips, Legs and Meditation

Most of us find it difficult to sit comfortably and focus our minds because of stiffness or hypermobility in the hips, legs, and pelvis. We'll explore an amazing series for opening and strengthening your hips. Then we'll learn simple, yet effective Heartfull® Meditation techniques to calm your mind and open your Heart Center.  When we're done, you will sit more comfortably, walk more freely, and have easy mediation techniques to work with.

All Levels


Saturday, Feb 1st

10am-1pm - Finding Your Foundation:  Poses That Explore and Work the Feet & Legs

Standing poses form the foundation of asana practice. When there is alignment in these poses with proper intention, they leave the practitioner full of vitality. Learn to use your muscles, your mind and your breath to create alignment and joy in these foundational postures. In this class, Aadil will teach standing poses to strengthen the legs, energize the pelvis, enliven the body, and cultivate the student’s personal power and ability to take progressive action in life

All Levels


2:30pm - 5:30pm - Strength, Poise and Balance in Inversions

Asana gives us an opportunity to reverse the aging process as well as to mix the flows of the prana and apana to create internal strength and longevity. However, asana must be done with a focused alignment and an understanding of the correct muscles so that there is no long-term injury.  It takes years of correct practice to cultivate the right muscles to develop strength, poise and balance. Aadil will give you tools to undo damage caused by poor alignment and teach you techniques for a safe and strong practice.


Sunday, Feb 2nd

10am-1pm – Detox and Recharge: Twists and Backbends in Purna Yoga

Twists increase the gastric fire, and detoxify the digestive system, thereby improving digestion.  Additionally, twists release the tiny inter-vertebral muscles along the spine, freeing it for backbends.  When done correctly, backbends bring joy and strength, focus and power.  Learn how to do beginning backbends safely, with alignment and strength, so that as you move deeper into the practice of backbends and recharge your spine, you can enjoy the benefits without injury.

All Levels


2:30pm - 5:30pm- The Power Listening

The duality of the universe is represented by receiving and giving. Patanjali calls this abhyasa and vairagya. This is also true in relationships where abhyasa is listening and where vairagya is speaking. Healing comes from feeling heard and relationships work much more smoothly when both parties feel listened to.

Listening is a science and there is a step by step process to being a good listener. Aadil will teach these techniques to you so that people around you feel more relaxed and supported as you cultivate your ability to truly listen deeply. No yoga experience necessary. Open to all.

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