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Our Ancestral Allies
Our Ancestral Allies


Sep 30, 2021 - Sep 30, 2021
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Our Ancestral Allies

a workshop on connecting with our personal, ancient, unconditional support through compassion, education, and empowerment!
Saturday, October 29, 1-4pm
$60; in-person only, please RSVP 
Ancestral healing is a potent medicine and family gift - one which we in the West rarely tap into. Let's gather to rekindle the line and unlock the healing love that's been waiting for us all along.
This workshop will give you many practical tools to maintain your ancestral relationships. You can expect insights unique to your own lineage and where you currently are in life.
Other experiences you may have include:
1. Surprises - by the sheer number of loving ancestors, as well as by the abundance of scientific research on transgenerational trauma and blessings. You are a living altar carrying countless ancestors' DNA, and you continue their stories in this world. You have your own army of helpers who have vested interest in your wellbeing. Do not let this resource go to waste!
2. Connection - consciously and safely. Everybody has loving and wise ancestors. Everyone also has a-hole ancestors who aren't in peace (think of the last 500 years of human history!). We don't directly heal ancestral trauma; rather, we ask the Ancient grandmothers grandfathers to repair the line and guide the troubled ones.
3. Empowerment - a process that can come about as we make sense of our own unmet needs in this life. The struggles of childhood trauma and particular difficulties on our path usually started way before us or our parents. In this workshop, we will find the ancestral root for our struggles through potent psychospiritual tools addressing Attachment wounds, c-PTSD, and the 5 languages of Love. These help us to build better relationships with healed ancestors... And with ourselves.
You are so very loved, wanted, and equipped by your “people”. You are never alone, and you have a purpose in the world. Come to this class to start the discovery - and the reunion.
About Paikea...

Computer engineer turned acupuncturist, Paikea is a radical healer. She has vast knowledge on modern nutrition, cellular/mitochondria biology, genomics, functional lab tests, biohacking, anti-aging, peptides. More important than her large toolbox, Paikea listens. Having healed herself from many ailment (Lyme, candida, mold toxin and heavy metal, childhood and ancestral trauma), Paikea works with each individual compassionately. The medicine she offers - be it acupuncture, Thai bodywork, peptides - are affordable and efficacious, for Where you are and where you want to go.

Her specialty is Gut health, chronic pain and inflammation, Anxiety, autoimmune such as allergy, Hashimoto/Hypothyroid; neurodegenerative conditions, mercury and mold toxicity, Lyme, Long Covid, longevity, and optimizing performance. It's her passion to pinpoint the root causes, and empower people to heal fast, and stay in homeostasis.

Paikea offers acupuncture and Thai bodywork in person in Central Kentucky, and Functional Medicine consultation anywhere over zoom.

Learn more about Paikea and all she has to offer (including acupuncture & bodywork!) at her website: 
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Special Instructions

Students should bring a notebook and pen.

This is an in-person-only offering.

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