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Marilyn Wellness Studio
Discipleship Development Program
Discipleship Development Program


Aug 19, 2022 - Sep 25, 2022
Number of Sessions:
Days of week


 Acts 4:32 New International Version (NIV)

All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything

Discipleship Development Program:
Calling all women who long to rise up while boldly leading and loving others into a long overdue revival of culture of Kingdom discipleship and worship. Our ministry is founded on biblical principles specifically rooted in our God given freedom and identity in Christ. We are overjoyed to extend our ministry beyond the borders of our home in Tennessee to women everywhere! We want to link hands with our pow{h}erful sisters in Christ to expand the Kingdom of God and make Jesus famous.

Our Mission: Healing, Freedom, and Identity In Christ
Our Heart: Worship {Wonder} Word
The Word: Our ROCK! Our Measure! Our Foundation!
Worship: To Please The Lord!
Wonder: The Miraculous Power Of The Holy Spirit

The Result:
Empowering and guiding women into a deeper walk with Christ while equipping them to lead and love others into salvation.

Each participant will acquire powerful training via biblical knowledge, discover more about her spiritual gifts and be encouraged, post-graduation, to uniquely soar where ever The Lord may send her to aid in serving woman from all walks of life.


Hi- I’m Abigail. This is my story:

I  have a purpose and the enemy tried really hard to take me out. I was a young girl when my father pretty much abandoned me.  I have experienced all forms of abuse and have been in treatment for an eating disorder and depression. I doubted Jesus’ existence and even mocked Christianity.

Throughout all of those experiences The Lord would get my attention and I would lean in until everything was all good then go back to my own way of living. 

Then, Jesus kicked down the door of the trap that I was living in. He spoke to my heart, said “no more,” and pulled me out of disaster. He provided literally everything I needed to be fully healed. He brought in the right people,  amazing circumstances, and all the financial support I needed down to the dollar. I found freedom and I’ve learned that freedom is a journey.  The Lord IS freedom and He is above and beyond anything that I can grasp or imagine. So there is more freedom available every single day when you are walking with Him. I no longer have an eating disorder. I have a calling on my life to reach out to the broken and introduce them to this freedom journey. I have an understand that my Heavenly Father is for me and wants to pour out His love on me. I am worthy of ALL that God has for me and it’s ALL good! In return… I want to love Him BIG!  I’m so thankful for the pow{H}er 432 discipleship development program. It has empowered me to have the confidence to speak boldly about the Lord and lead women in Truth, movement, & worship that brings HIS freedom. 

Course Studies and Practical Life Application:


  • Gospel Foundation
  • Identity/Original Design
  • Study of The Trinity
  • Authority in Christ
  • Overcoming Strongholds
  • Freedom in Christ
  • Going To The Nations

Worship Led Movement:

  • Prayer & Scripture Leadership Training
  • Praise/Worship Movement Study
  • Certification Of Leadership: praise n’ pow{h}er

Our in depth 100 hour program will weave a tapestry of joy, healing, freedom, movement, worship, fellowship, and bible study.

Together, over the course of 90 days, we will spend one weekend, {Friday morning thru mid-day Sunday} per month in study, worship, and fellowship. In addition, there will be an in-home course as well as weekly phone calls with an assigned mentor to be completed within the 90 days prior to graduation on April 14th. 

In Studio Study: 3 Weekends (75 Hours)

Winter/Spring 2024 Semester in East Nashville, TN

* February 9-11

* March 22-24

* April 12-14

In Home Study (25 Hours)

  • Homework
  • Podcasts
  • Reading
  • Journaling
  • Weekly Mentoring Sessions

Cost: $395 (paid in full at time of booking, no partial payments or Venmo accepted)

For more information please contact Amy Weber at


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