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Your Monthly Rest & Reset
Your Monthly Rest & Reset


Aug 26, 2017 - Aug 26, 2017
Number of Sessions:
Days of week


If only once a month, give yourself the gift of Restorative Yoga, and a relaxing afternoon at Asha Urban Baths.

Restorative yoga is a therapeutic type of yoga that uses props to support the body as it eases into relaxation. It invites being rather than doing, contentment rather than striving, and being open rather than guarded. Restorative Yoga creates spaciousness and a deep sense of relaxation and rejuvenation.

Breath work, meditation, gentle touch with Reiki, and hot stones may be used to help deepen the experience. Essential Oils will be diffused in the studio, and Kaysie will apply them topically to each Yogi throughout the practice. Everyone will leave with a gift of essential oils and other goodies to take home.

Come decompress after a stressful month. Renew your energy, and soothe your nervous system while giving the mind an opportunity to Rest and Reset.

Workshop attendees will get a bath house drop-in soak at a discounted price when purchased with Your Monthly Rest & Reset.

* Yogis are asked to bring a comfortable sweatshirt, sweater, or wrap along with a pair of socks to R & R. Core body temperature drops during the practice of Restorative Yoga, and although blankets will be used, the extra layers allow you to remain as comfortable as possible. And don't forget your suit if you're prolonging your day of relaxation at the bathhouse after class*

Workshop only price $40

Workshop + Bathhouse $60

Workshop Cancellation Policy
Because Asha's teachers invest a lot of time and energy into planning their workshops they are nonrefundable. If you're unable to attend, maybe a gracious friend will take your spot!

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