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Focused Flexibility Training with Julie Donnelly, LMT
Focused Flexibility Training with Julie Donnelly, LMT


Jul 13, 2024 - Jul 13, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week


Athletes of all kinds have one thing in common: we love our sport, even if it sometimes hurts us. To achieve our goals and keep doing the sport we love, pushing through pain is NOT the answer!

Many of the most common types of tendonitis, joint inflammation, and over-use injuries can be relieved or eliminated by directly treating the spasms that cause muscles to shorten with repetitive stress. For athletes who demand a lot of our bodies, the ability to treat these muscle spasms as part of our regular stretching and conditioning is crucial to maintaining a high level of performance over time.

For coaches, personal trainers, and massage therapists, teaching your athletic clients how to treat themselves and reduce pain and injuries is key to a successful long-term working relationship. Keep them actively training in the sport they love, and they will thank you!

In this self-treatment workshop you will learn some of the most common reasons why athletes may have aches and pains that aren’t relieved by stretching or massage.

You will learn self-treatment methods you can use yourself and teach to your clients to relieve tightness caused by muscle strains and old injuries, and restore the flexiblity needed to return to work and sport without pain. 

We will practice these methods on ourselves - participants will be able to feel the results immediately. You will leave feeling better and moving more freely than before!

From the instructor:

Since 1989, I (Julie) have worked with thousands of people who have suffered from chronic pain and sports injuries.  In fact, the whole reason I teach people how to self-treat (release muscle knots) is because I had several severe sports injuries.  I have also suffered with the common aches and pains that come from repetitive strain injuries caused by just day-to-day living.

Each time I hurt myself I knew what I would do if you came to me with these injuries, but I couldn’t find anyone to treat me the way I knew the muscles needed to be treated.  Out of frustration and pain I started to figure it out on myself.  Well, if I could treat myself, then I can show you how to treat yourself.

I especially love to work with endurance athletes of any sport because I find that you are absolutely determined to enjoy your sport regardless of what it takes to keep you healthy.  As I worked with the athletes I realized that showing them how to self-treat would help them to not only keep their muscles released after coming in for a therapy session, but that they could help themselves during a race or a heavy training session.  Self-treatment makes a world of difference for you because you can stop pain as soon as it starts to become a problem.

From the host:

I (Laura Hackle) have been using the methods I learned from Julie to treat both acute and chronic injuries for the past year. In just one treatment session with Julie, I had significant relief and increased flexibility for a chronically painful and limited joint that no one seemed to know how to treat. With consistent self-treatment, I have significantly less pain and more flexibility in an area I once thought might never recover from an injury I sustained over 10 years ago. I still return to Julie to refresh my training, to help me treat new issues, and to treat areas I have difficulty treating myself. I would love for all of our Aikido and Jujitsu students to learn these methods - it will keep you training for longer, with fewer injuries!

Julie Donnelly is an internationally respected author, trainer, and muscular therapist specializing in the treatment of chronic pain and sports injuries since 1989. Her field of expertise is in the muscular component of pain and how to find and treat the source of problems such as rotator cuff injury, sciatica, TMJ, low back and hip pain. She is known for her extensive work with athletes and non-athletes alike.

Julie began teaching the Julstro self-treatments when it was apparent that people needed to continue their therapy at home on a daily and consistent basis. She teaches Stop Pain Fast self-treatment clinics nationwide to individuals and groups who want to know how to stop pain before it gets the best of them.

Julie has written a series of 15 self-treatment books including Treat Yourself to Pain-Free Living, The Pain-Free Athlete, and The 15 Minute Back Pain Solution. Julie is a leading force in innovative muscular therapy, bringing a new understanding to the symptoms and treatment of repetitive strain injuries.

Visit Julie’s website: for more information.

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