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BodyRestoration Chiropractic
Theralogix Canabrex




Q. What is PEA?

PEA (palmitate monoethanolamide or palmitic acid monoethanolamide or palmitoylethanolamide) is a fatty acid derivative that is considered part of the cannabinoid family. Although it doesn’t come from cannabis, it works in a very similar way to CBD (cannabidiol). PEA is found in egg yolks, peanuts and soybeans, and is naturally made in our bodies as part of a healthy immune response. PEA supports healthy immune, nerve and joint function.*

Q. What is an endocannabinoid?

Cannabinoid compounds act on specialized receptors throughout the body. Endocannabinoids (‘endo’ means ‘within’) are cannabinoids produced by the human body. The endocannabinoid system is a complex cell-signaling system composed of endocannabinoids, receptors, and enzymes. Its main function is to maintain the body’s homeostasis. In other words, the endocannabinoid system helps keep your body functioning optimally.

Q. Who is likely to benefit from Canabrex?

Individuals who could benefit from healthy immune, nerve and joint function support are likely to benefit from Canabrex. Studies have shown that PEA supports healthy immune, nerve and joint function, and promotes overall well-being in adults.*

Q. How is Canabrex different from other PEA supplements?

Canabrex contains solubilized PEA that studies have shown is better absorbed and more bioavailable than standard PEA. Canabrex is manufactured in a GMP-compliant facility and is independently third-party content-tested.

Q. How long should I take Canabrex?

Canabrex is designed for continuous, long-term use. Studies have shown that PEA supplements require at least a few weeks, and possibly up to two months, to show benefit. Additional improvement may result with longer use.

Q. Does Canabrex come from cannabis?

No, the active ingredient in Canabrex does not come from cannabis.

Q. How much Canabrex should I take per day?

The suggested daily dose of Canabrex is one capsule, twice a day. Some physicians may recommend a higher or lower dose for certain individuals. Check with your doctor or healthcare provider for individual recommendations.

Q. Are there any expected side effects from taking Canabrex?

No. PEA occurs naturally in the body and is in many foods. No side effects have been reported with its use.

Q. Will Canabrex interact with any medications or other dietary supplements?

There are no known medication or dietary supplement interactions with PEA. However, because it binds to some of the same receptors as CBD, Canabrex may increase the effects of cannabis-derived products.

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