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The Yoga Collaborative
IN STUDIO Sound Bath
IN STUDIO Sound Bath


Aug 16, 2024 - Aug 16, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week
Aug 16, 2024
Days of week:
7:00PM - 8:30PM
The Yoga Collaborative
Tal R.


Relax as you are showered by the sounds of crystal bowls, a gong and other healing instruments. Allow these frequencies to take you on a journey to the unseen realms in this deeply immersive full body listening experience. You will begin in a comfortable position and then be guided through a relaxation meditation. The remainder of the experience and meditation will be accompanied by sounds and frequencies that allow your brain waves to shift in to a more relaxed and even dream-like state. Take yourself on a journey of healing, self exploration and deep rest during this concert for your soul.

Workshop Cost $45 Pre-registration required.
In Studio only
We will set up mat's, bolsters and eye pillows for each participant. Please plan to bring any blankets or pillows that would make your more comfortable, you do not need to bring your mat.
We will open the doors about 5-10 minutes before the event, at this time please enter and find a space to get cozy. You may also want to bring a journal for after.
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Special Instructions

Please note: there are no refunds once you are registered. If we can fill your spot we will offer you studio credit for a future purchase at TYC. 

Thanks for your understanding. 

We will set up mat's, bolsters and eye pillows for each participant.
Please plan to bring any blankets or pillows that would make your more comfortable, you do not need to bring your mat.
We will open the doors about 5-10 minutes before the event, at this time please enter and find a space to get cozy.
You may also want to bring a journal for after.
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