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The Yoga Collaborative
IN STUDIO The Eternal Embrace with Jackie Duffey
IN STUDIO The Eternal Embrace with Jackie Duffey


May 11, 2024 - May 11, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week


Death is not goodbye. It is a transition to another way of being. And with that comes a new way of communication that embraces our soul with validation that we are eternal beings and that love never ceases to exist.

Join Jackie Duffey, Psychic Medium, exploring the different ways our loved ones and companions on the spirit side of life say hello and communicate their eternal love & guidance to us in our daily lives. You will also experience in a practical way, aspects of your personal soul energy through meditation, visualization, self healing. Jackie will then as guided, connect with loved ones on the Spirit side of life to bring forth evidential and uplifting messages of love and inspiration.

Please note not everyone will receive a reading.

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