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The Yoga Collaborative
IN STUDIO Summer Solstice Sun Flow
IN STUDIO Summer Solstice Sun Flow


Jun 21, 2024 - Jun 21, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week


Celebrate International Yoga Day and Summer Solstice in a special heated vinyasa class with Amy! Start by grounding your energy in a short meditation, connecting body and mind with the heat and energy from the sun. Throughout the class, we’ll focus on a variety of Sun Salutations, building our life force through movement and breath. We will work towards more challenging flows and poses as the sun begins to set. An extra long savasana will conclude our evening.


With the windows open, the heat will invigorate your practice, allowing you to connect with your inner fire. All levels are welcome to join this empowering flow. Come celebrate the longest day of the year in community with yoga and joy!

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