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WEEKEND PRICING - Ancestral Healing Weekend - Kick Off - Full Weekend Pricing
WEEKEND PRICING - Ancestral Healing Weekend - Kick Off - Full Weekend Pricing


May 31, 2024 - May 31, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week


What is Ancestral Healing?

The workshop is based on the work of Bert Hellinger who created Family Constellations. It’s a process for revealing hidden dynamics and unconscious loyalties within a family so that they can be observed, acknowledged, and understood. The approach allows participants to see the family system in a three dimensional format, which gives a unique perspective for healing dysfunctional emotional and energetic connections.
Participating in an Ancestral Healing workshop can help release unhealthy habits, anxiety, and depression. The process itself uncovers patterns and dynamics that are often at the cause of financial inconsistency, addiction, relationship/family issues, and health problems. Most importantly, Ancestral Healing workshops act as a container for completion - empowering participants to disengage from unconscious loyalties and double binds, freeing them to connect with their families gifts and strengths. 
No prior experience or knowledge of the work is necessary. The only thing asked of the participants to choose an issue they'd like to work on such as: 
- I have a difficult time focusing
- I find the partner/work of my dreams and than they are unavailable
- I find the partner/work of my dreams and then I sabotage the relationship
No details or explanation is needed, given, or asked for. The participants are asked to name an issue more as a place for the energy to ground so that we have a point of reference for the work. Robin spends time to make sure to setup a safe space where participants feel comfortable sharing what they choose to share. 
It’s important to note that not everyone who attends will have their constellation done. Participants are asked to represent in each other’s constellations, which is incredibly healing and allows them to see into their own system from a less pressured place. 
The only way to truly understand the power of this work is to attend a workshop. Robin shares that “it’s the most profound and effective healing modality she has ever been apart of as a student or as a facilitator.  She has been told by past participants that the work is life changing and could have replaced years and years of therapy.”
Day Pass Pricing Available and Asana/Sound Healing practice pricing available separately
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