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Customized Workout Plan


This is a one time, highly customized, workout plan. It requires a detailed questionnaire to be filled out, which will be sent upon purchase. It also requires the use of our free app, Chris Protein Pt (in app store). This plan includes the following

-One week of customized workouts. Typically 3-5 workouts and potentially some cardio protocols as well. 

-1-2 Rounds of revisions. This program is meant to be interactive, ie user should complete each workout, then report back on likes and dislikes, and then you will get revisions based upon that. There are two revision rounds allowed. 

-Please note that while initial revisions can be made, this program is a one time standalone program and does not include ongoing updates, changes, etc. It is meant to be repeated on a weekly basis, and users can expect to use it for 8-12 weeks or even longer. Can be used until it stops working. 


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$32.99 /month
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