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Energy Fix Friday
Energy Fix Friday


Purchase Option type:
Session Pass
Number of Sessions:
1 day
Access to Sessions:
20 min Crystal Light Bed, 20 Min Salt Cabin, 5 hour Energy 20 (20:00 mm:ss), AddictionAssist(15:00mm:ss), Allergy Assist (13:30 mm:ss), 20 min Amethyst Biomat, 20 min Metatron Sacred Geometry Mat, Abundance (15:00mm:ss), Anxiety Support 15 (15:00 mm:ss), Arthritis Support (10:00) mm:ss), Aura Cleanse (15:00 mm:ss), Autoimmune Support (15:00 mm:ss), Brain Activation 40Hz(20:00mm:ss), Chakra 1 - Root Harmonics (12:00 mm:ss), Chakra 2 - Sacral Harmonics (12:00 mm:ss) 15, Chakra 3 - Solar Plexus Harmonics (12:00 mm:ss), Chakra 30 Min LP (30:00 mm:ss), Chakra 4 - Heart Harmonics (12:00 mm:ss), Chakra 5 - Throat Harmonics (12:00 mm:ss), Chakra 6 - Third Eye Harmonics (12:00 mm:ss), Chakra 7 - Crown Harmonics (12:00 mm:ss), Detox Whole Body(12:00mm:ss), Ear Clear(12:00mm:ss), Fearless(15:00mm:ss), Grief Support (15:00 mm:ss), FertilityAssist(13:00mm:ss), Higher Awareness 30 (30:00 mm:ss), Nirvana 30 (30:00 mm:ss), Pineal Mastery Experience 45 (45:00 mm:ss), Fibromyalgia (15:40mm:ss), PTSD Assist - no flash (14:00 mm:ss), PurifyRecover 22 (22:00 mm:ss), Relax Calm Focus (12:00 mm:ss), GregorianChants(17:00mm:ss), Serotonin Infusion (22:00 mm:ss), Hair(13:30mm:ss), HotFlashChiller(10:00mm:ss), Violet Flame (15:00 mm:ss), Viral Assist (21:00 mm:ss), Weight Not (14:45 mm:ss), Libido(15:00mm:ss), KneeSupport(14:20mm:ss), LightShower(15:00mm:ss), LymeFullSpectrum(23:00mm:ss), NO MS(11:00mm:ss), NoSnore(9:00mm:ss), PainSupport(11:00mm:ss), SoundTherapy(8:50mm:ss)
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Do you feel completely depleted by the time Friday rolls around? Have you spent your entire week giving away your energy to your jobs, your families, your schedules and responsibilities? We want to roll into our weekend fresh and ready for anything but we are so low energy we end up doing the bare minimum only to wake on Monday to do it all over again.
We have a solution for this condition called Energy Fix Friday! Break the cycle!
Purchase this Pass for ANY or EVERY FRIDAY!  We are offering a complete healing package in our Soul Spa on Fridays so you can recover just in time to enjoy your weekend and make the most of it by feeling great, refreshed, renewed, invigorated.
Energy Fix Friday consists of your choice of 3 of our Soul Spa offerings:
Amethyst BioMat-increases circulation, relieves aches and pains and relaxes all your muscles.
Etheric Crystal Light bed-instantly cleanses, balances and aligns all your chakras at once.
Salt Cabin-provides an energetic clearing of your entire being, improves your skin and breathing.
The Metatron Sacred Geometry Mat acts like energetic dialysis and activates and aligns your body's own sacred geometry and natural healing. This is also used as a meditation device for profound awareness.
The Biocharger is a Subtle Energy Revitalization Platform that produces 4 energies found in nature: Light, Frequency and Harmonics, Pulse Electromagnetic Frequency and Voltage to produce combinations of energy that promote natural wellness and activate your body's own self healing.  (Select up to a 20 minute Session).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Energy Fix Friday: Pick any 3 Therapies to recharge, renew and breathe new life into yourself in less than one hour! This package is $50 and valid for Fridays Only.

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