Purchase Option type:
Choose from over 75+ classes and enjoy 3 x Reformer Classes + Unlimited Yoga and HIIT classes per week.
One Family Yoga and Fitness (OFYF) Membership Terms and Conditions
Membership Inclusions:
OFYF Membership offers a range of packages to suit your needs:
BALANCE $39.95 per week: Includes 2 x Reformer Pilates classes, unlimited Yoga and Functional HIIT classes, plus 10% off all events.
STRENGTH $44.95 per week: Includes 3 x Reformer Pilates classes, unlimited Yoga and Functional HIIT classes, plus 10% off all events.
VITALITY $49.95 per week: Includes unlimited Reformer Pilates, Yoga, and Functional HIIT classes, plus 10% off all events.
WELLNESS WARRIOR $1790 per year: Includes unlimited Reformer Pilates, Yoga, and Functional HIIT classes, plus 20% off all events (save over $600, equivalent to 12 weeks of membership).
Membership Terms:
No Lock-In Contract: Enjoy the flexibility of our no lock-in membership.
Pause or Cancel Membership:
To pause or cancel your OFYF membership, please email us at admin@onefamilyyogafitness.com.au with 14 days' notice. You may still attend classes during this 14-day notice period.
Membership pauses are allowed for a maximum of 4 weeks per 12-month period.
Yearly Memberships (WELLNESS WARRIOR) cannot be paused during the 12-month period. However, it can be extended for up to two weeks due to illness or injury, provided you submit a doctor's certificate.
In cases of serious illness or injury, you may pause your membership for the required period with a medical certificate from your doctor or physiotherapist.
Class Attendance and Cancellations:
Class Cancellation:
If you are unable to attend a class, please cancel online outside the following windows:
10-hour cancellation window for all AM classes
2-hour cancellation window for all PM classes
Failure to cancel within these windows or failing to attend a booked class will result in a $15 “Late Cancellation/No-Show” fee, which will be deducted from your credit card/bank account. This policy ensures that all members have the opportunity to attend their desired classes.
Payment Failures and Additional Charges:
Payment Responsibility:
Please ensure sufficient funds are available in your account on the scheduled payment date.
If a payment fails and is reprocessed, an additional fee of $5.50 will be charged to cover the costs incurred.
To avoid this charge, ensure funds are available by the night before your scheduled payment date.
If you encounter issues with your payment schedule or need to adjust your payment date, please contact us to discuss alternative arrangements. Repeated payment failures may result in additional charges.
- Subtotal:
- $44.95
- Tax:
- $4.09
- Discount:
- $0.00
- Total:
- $44.95