Sep 1, 2024 - Sep 1, 2024Number of Sessions:
Days of week
Level 3A & B Reiki is devoted to refining our Reiki
techniques and studying new healing modalities, and the second day
focused on how to teach Reiki to others and attune students to
all levels of Reiki. After completing 3B training , a student is
considered a
Reiki Master, fully prepared to build a reiki
community of their own and to pass on the wisdom through classes
they sponsor. Students must have completed Reiki levels 1
& 2 to participate.
In level 3A, we do a review of Reiki basics and techniques
and the principals and symbols . We then are introduced to three
more symbols and receive the Reiki Master attunement. A series of
exercises offers many life situations where Reiki can be
applied, to refine our skill set and expand our awareness of
choices where Reiki can be of service to others.
Sound and Vibrational healing as well as crystal grids are
reviewed, and students are invited to work with crystals and tuning
forks to experiment with chakra clearing and aura smoothing
along with their Reiki practice.
Students in this level receive a silk scarf as their Reiki
attunement totem, and they participate in a Reiki craft project to
create Reiki stones that they will take home to serve as meditation
inspiration, as well as a tool to learn the correct symbols for
attunements and other reiki practice.
- Crystal grids
- Advanced physiology of energy
- Reading Auras
- New concepts in Healing of others
- Sound & vibrational healing
- Learning to give attunements
- How to pass on Reiki to others.
- Business of Reiki
- Subtotal:
- $350.00
- Tax:
- $0.00
- Discount:
- $0.00
- Total:
- $350.00