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W006 Banyan Massage Oils


Banyan Massage Oils are prepared in small batches in the traditional Ayurvedic method of cooking the raw herbs into the oil itself. This is done using low heat over a period of many days, allowing the herbal properties to be captured by the oil, making the use of these oils as a daily body oil especially beneficial as they nourish the tissues from the outside-in.

Formulated in a base of organic sesame and sunflower oils, the invigorating Kapha Oil contains nine organic herbs including punarnava, chitrak, calamus, and rosemary. This energizing blend of herbs is activating and mobilizing, vital for balancing kapha. Vigorous massage with warm herbalized oil reduces kapha by promoting mild sweating, stimulating circulation and cleansing the system.

Mahanarayan Oil is based on an ancient Ayurvedic recipe that delivers powerful muscle and joint targeting herbs in a base of certified organic sesame oil. A nourishing and strengthening oil with rejuvenating qualities, it is used by gently massaging into sore muscles and tendons to bring warmth to the area. The synergistic blend of herbs supports the rejuvenation of joints. In Ayurvedic terms, Mahanarayan Oil is particularly good for supporting an active lifestyle, for those experiencing high vata, and promoting the natural rejuvenation process.

The aromatic Pitta Oil is a cooling blend of nine organic herbs, including brahmi/gotu kola, guduchi and manjistha, in a base of sesame and sunflower oils. These herbs are traditionally used in Ayurveda to address pitta by removing excess heat while relaxing the tension associated with pitta. A daily self-massage benefits the skin, where pitta tends to accumulate, supports healthy circulation and helps move toxins out of the system.

Calming and relaxing Sleep Easy Oil brings you powerful Ayurvedic herbs that promote healthy sleep patterns and deep rest and relaxation. Healthy sleep patterns are crucial as they allow the body to restore and rejuvenate while letting the mind process, learn, and de-stress. This cooling and soothing formula is intended to be used with the traditional method of head and foot massage at night before going to bed. Application to the head, temples, and soles of the feet helps ground the light and mobile nature of vata and balance the sharp and active nature of pitta, promoting the heavier qualities needed for sleep. Massage Sleep Easy Oil into your head and feet for a rejuvenating night of rest. One of the best oils for sleep, this herbal blend is in a base of four organic oils, which come together to bring nourishment, subtle warmth for penetration, and gentle cooling for relaxation. Each batch is finished with nutmeg, bergamot, and ylang ylang essential oils, which provide relaxing and subtle floral notes to the oil.

Rejuvenating Vata Oil is a synergistic blend of nine herbs, including ashwagandha, bala, and passionflower. The certified organic herbs nourish and ground vata, supporting vitality and vigor. Vata Massage Oil is made from a base of organic sesame and olive oils. These oils warm and lubricate the delicate vata system. Ayurveda highly recommends a daily self-massage to restore calm and provide strength.

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