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Yearly Pass
Yearly Pass


Purchase Option type:
Duration Pass
Number of Sessions:
1 year
Access to Sessions:
Bikram Beginners, Advanced Class, Conditioning Drills, Gentle Stretching, Yoga Nidra, Functional Glute Mobility Workshop(Sep 8, 2024 - Sep 8, 2024)
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Best value if you practice 2 or more times per week.

The Yearly Pass is the most cost efficient pass and offer incredible value and all the perks of being a member including:


- unlimited classes all year around, 365 days of yoga!
 - complimentary mat hire
 - free monthly posture clinics
 - free Drills and Gentle Stretching classes
 - free access to private FB Members group
 - 10% off retail items

Suspension period totally 6 weeks (min 7 days) during the duration of the pass.

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