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Warrior Goddess Fitness
CRYSTALS Pyramid (Chakra)


0.50 lb


What is a chakra pyramid? It’s the best kind of crystal therapy for those who want to sync up their energy and call on the colors of the chakras. Combining the sacred geometry of the pyramid to the shades of the body’s seven healing points, the Chakra Pyramid clears blockages, cements you in your power, and makes sure that you are ready to unlock your full potential. 

“With this pyramid, I create a clear channel where earthly wisdom meets celestial light”











Benefits of Orgone and Orgone crystals

Orgonites were invented by Dr Wilhelm Reich, an Austrian psychiatrist, who knew it was possible to harness the divine energy source to create beneficial effects.

Reich is responsible for all the early research, providing an understanding of how orgone is such a powerful energy generator and energy accumulator.

Orgonite has been said to help with:

  • EMF sensitivity
  • Absorbing, and modulating the dirty electricity in our homes
  • There have been many online forums who have shown to show how fresh fruit placed near an orgonite crystal can keep it fresh for longer
  • Children who have restless sleep or bad dreams. You can place them in your children's bedrooms.

Many suggest that the orgone energy takes the chaotic disorder around it (such as EMFs, WIFI and radiation) and structures it in an efficient, harmonized manner.






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