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STM2 Soft Tissue Mobilization workshop (Early Bird price of $750 until June 21, 2024). Regular Price: $1000
STM2 Soft Tissue Mobilization workshop (Early Bird price of $750 until June 21, 2024). Regular Price: $1000


Jul 6, 2024 - Jul 7, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week



3167 St-Catherine St., Easrt
Montreal, Quebec
H1W 2C

Date: On the weekend of July 6-7, 2024,

Time: From 9:00am - 6:00pm on both Saturday and Sunday,

Event: Adaptive Bodywork Presents:

Table Top Foundation Principles & Techniques

Soft Tissue Mobilization 2 (STM2):
Elevating Integration and Movement Potential

Discover the next level in the realm of bodywork with the Adaptive Bodywork Soft Tissue Mobilization 2 (STM2) workshop. Building on the foundational skills and concepts of STM1, STM2 delves deeper into the art and science of manual therapy, introducing advanced techniques that target core structures of the body for profound transformation and integration.

Who Should Attend STM2?

The STM2 course is designed for those who have embarked on their journey in manual bodywork and movement with STM1 or have equivalent experience. It's perfect for practitioners who are eager to deepen their understanding and expand their repertoire in myofascial optimization. Whether you're a seasoned bodyworker, a yoga instructor, a fitness coach, or someone passionate about harnessing the full potential of movement, STM2 offers a rich, educational experience that will elevate your practice and empower your clients.

Advanced Techniques for Deeper Integration

In STM2, we go beyond the surface to explore the intricate network of core muscles and fascia, including the Pectineus, Iliacus, Psoas, and Diaphragm. You'll learn how to apply nuanced techniques that address these deeper structures, enhancing physiological and neurological synchronization. This advanced exploration offers a comprehensive approach to fostering holistic integration, promoting a balanced and harmoniously functioning body.

Actively Engage and Transform

Adaptive Bodywork is a dynamic and interactive process. In STM2, you'll engage with more sophisticated strategies that not only alleviate pain but actively reconfigure your body's support system. Through targeted manual interventions, you'll facilitate the reorganization of the fascial architecture, promoting a youthful and resilient structural framework.

Is STM2 Right for You?

If you're driven to explore the depths of bodywork and eager to refine your skills in facilitating profound, lasting change in movement and structure, STM2 is your next step. Whether you're addressing chronic pain, seeking to elevate athletic performance, or aiming to enrich your overall well-being, STM2 offers the tools and knowledge to achieve these goals.

Building on a Solid Foundation

STM2 acknowledges that unrecognized structural dysfunctions can have cascading effects on movement and health. By focusing on the deeper layers of the body's structure, this course empowers practitioners to identify and rectify such dysfunctions, paving the way for enhanced performance and freedom from pain. This proactive approach ensures a robust foundation for enduring wellness and optimized movement.

Why Choose STM2?

  • Dive into advanced manual therapy techniques targeting core body structures.
  • Foster a deeper connection between physiology and neurology for integrated healing.
  • Empower yourself and your clients with skills that transform and elevate movement potential.
  • Join a community of forward-thinking practitioners dedicated to the evolution of bodywork.

Elevate your practice and join us on this transformative journey with Adaptive Bodywork's Soft Tissue Mobilization 2. Embrace the power of advanced integration and unlock the full potential of your body's movement and structure.


3167 St-Catherine St., East
Montreal, Quebec
H1W 2C4

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Special Instructions

The Adaptive Bodywork STM2 workshop will be held at:

Location: Adaptive Bodywork
3167 St-Catherine St., Easrt
Montreal, Quebec
H1W 2C

Date: On the weekend of July 6-7, 2024,

Time: From 9:00am - 6:00pm on both Saturday and Sunday,


Breaks: There will be a 1 hour lunch break as well as a 15 minute break both morning and afternoon.


Dress: Wear loose fitting shorts, bathing suit or underwear. We will be working directly on the tissue from head to foot, with appropriate drapping as necessary. All should be easily accessible. For women it is preferrable to wear a tradtional bra that unclips from the back rather than the trendy and complicated yoga or sport bras with crossing material & straps that will impede our work.

Special Note: Please avoid any form of lotion or cream on your skin. It should be squeaky clean. It is absolutly neccessay that we have full purchase / traction on the tissue. If you arrive pre-lubricated the effectiveness of the techniqes will be vastly reduced. 


Hair trimming: For the men, if you are very hairy, especially on the chest, you will appreciate the work more if you trim your hair. We will be getting a lot of traction on your tissues with deep horizontal shearing strokes. It will be less fun if this is accompanied by hair plucking. No need to completly shave but a trim is strongly recommended.


Jewlery: leave jewlery, braclets, necklaces, rings and watches at home or in a safe place in your personal bag.


Fingernails: Your finger nails should be very short. We will be working deeply in our client's tissues. We don't want to leave them with lacerations.


Please also avoid perfumes. We will be in tight quarters for 8 hours per day

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