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Yoga NRG & Mindfulness Training Australia
Full Moon Yoga Moffat Beach - "Tuning YIN to Fullness" with Jodie
Full Moon Yoga Moffat Beach - "Tuning YIN to Fullness" with Jodie


Feb 23, 2024 - Feb 23, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week


Enjoy this special time of the month in one of the most beautiful places on the planet - at our Moffat Beach outdoor Yoga NRG Studio. Soak up the full - lit moon listening to the sounds of the ocean waves. Be lead through a gentle entre of Slow Flow followed by Tuning YIN to your fullness.  An opporutnity to wind down into Yin Yoga poses , releasing tension of the mind and body with a hint of something special to tap into a depth that the sounds of the live Cello touches deep with - YIN . 

Jodie has a soft and gentle approach to Yoga guiding you unobstrusively inward. Leaving plenty of time and space to feel your own fullness and connect to your whole body. Jodie often weaves beautiful poetry into her classes - tonight you will hear a sprinkle of the cello to touch the soul to have you leaving quiet in the mind , content and whole. 

We welcome those practiced or brandnew to yoga. Jodie is welcoming and has recently completed her Level 1 and Yin Yoga Teacher Training with Yoga NRG and is currently completing the NRG Mentoring Program as part of her Level 2 Yoga Teacher Training. 

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