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FALL SESSION 2024 Little 3 Developmental League
$180.00/2 months


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Number of Sessions:
2 months


Sessions will begin September 7th-October 26th.

1. TRUFIT'S LITTLE 3 basketball program for little kids is a recreational sports program designed to introduce young children to the basics of basketball in a fun and engaging way. The program is structured to provide a balanced mix of practice and game time on Saturdays. Here's an explanation of how the program works:

2. Age Group: The program is typically designed for children between grades k - 5. This ensures that the activities and rules are appropriate for their age and skill level.

3. Timeframe: The program runs on Saturdays and is divided into two equal parts: 30 minutes of practice and 30 minutes of games. This time allocation is ideal for keeping the kids engaged and motivated without overexerting them.

4. Practice (30 minutes): During the practice session, the kids will participate in a variety of drills and activities aimed at teaching them fundamental basketball skills. The drills will focus on basics such as dribbling, passing, shooting, footwork, and basic defensive techniques. The goal is to build a solid foundation for their basketball development and enhance their overall understanding of the game.

5. Games (30 minutes): The game session allows the kids to apply the skills they learned during practice in a real-game scenario. The games will be played in a 3 v 3 format, meaning three players on each team, which ensures that all kids get ample playing time and more opportunities to participate actively.

6. Simplified Rules: Given the young age of the participants, the rules of LITTLE 3 games will be simplified to make the experience more enjoyable and less overwhelming. For example, there might be no strict scorekeeping, and the focus will be on learning teamwork, sportsmanship, and having fun rather than intense competition.

7. Coaches and Volunteers: The program will have trained coaches and volunteers who will guide the kids during practice and games. These coaches will provide support, encouragement, and ensure the safety of the children throughout the program.

8. Fun and Inclusive Environment: The emphasis of the program is on creating a positive and inclusive environment where every child feels comfortable and motivated to participate. The focus is on participation, skill-building, and teamwork, rather than competitive outcomes.

9. Parental Involvement: Parental involvement and support are encouraged. Parents can be present during the sessions to cheer for the kids and celebrate their achievements. Moreover, they can practice with their children outside of the program to reinforce the skills they learn.

Overall, our LITTLE 3 basketball program for little kids is an excellent way to introduce children to the sport of basketball in a low-pressure, enjoyable setting. It fosters a love for the game and encourages them to stay active and engaged in sports from a young age.


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