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Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation with Kim Lange


Apr 7, 2024 - May 19, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week


This four-week course will help you delve into the power of mindfulness and meditation, showing you how to remain present with non-judging awareness as you work with thoughts, sensations, and emotions to better understand the nature of the mind. Offered on Sunday April 7, April 14, April 21 and May 19th. Session 1 focuses on What Does It Mean to Be Mindful? Mindfulness of the Breath and Body. Session 2 explores Being Fully Human: Working with Emotions. Session 3: The Wise Heart: Loving Kindness (metta), Compassion, Joy and Equanimity and concludes with Session 4: Bringing Your Practice into the World.

A single session can be purchased in studio for $26 

Kim Lange is a Charleston-based artist/curator and mindfulness meditation facilitator from Honolulu and California. Growing up on O’ahu, Kim became interested in meditation at a very young age when her parents began hosting weekly sittings and dharma talks by renowned visiting Vipassana teachers such as Anagarika Shri Munindra and Sayadaw U Pandita. She has practiced insight meditation for over 25 years and studied with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach in partnership with the Awareness Training Institute and the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley.

Kim also serves on the board of Mental Health Heroes, which supports the work of the Charleston Dorchester Mental Health Center, and is on the Advisory Board of Art With Impact, a nonprofit that promotes mental wellness by creating space for young people to learn and connect through art and media.

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