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Check Your Chakras Workshop Series
Check Your Chakras Workshop Series


Apr 20, 2024 - May 18, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week


Let's explore your Chakra System. Chakras are the energetic wheels that govern different parts of your body. As an example, the Root Chakra located at the base of your spine deals with stability and security. If your Root Chakra is unbalanced, you may feel unstable or lacking security. This may translate in your body as weak knees or lack of balance. This may translate in your mind as anxiety or stress. Each Saturday, we will dive into these energetic centers that may be affecting your being.

Third Saturday of each month 2-4:30pm at Conroe

  1. Root: April 20th - Explore ways to find more stability and security in life. The yoga practice will focus on grounding and alignment for stability in your entire being.

  2. Sacral: May 18th - Express and be more in the flow when the unexpected comes. The yoga practice will focus on nourishing the hips and bringing more fluidity in your body.

  3. Solar Plexus: June 15th - Burn away your limiting beliefs and step into your power. The yoga practice will focus on the core to energize your body and strengthen your mind.

  4. Heart: July 27th (the 4th Saturday) - Find acceptance and embody compassion. The yoga practice will focus on opening the chest and finding support for the heart.

  5. Throat: August 17th - Speak your truth and discover ways to live authentically. The yoga practice will focus on releasing neck and shoulder tension, as well as stuck expressions.

  6. Third Eye: September 21st - Learn to tune in and gain clarity. The yoga practice will focus on improving balance and connection to your intuition.

  7. Crown: October 19th - Discover who you are and be more self-aware. The yoga practice will focus on inversions to challenge and broaden your perspective.

If you are only able to come to, or if you are only interested in, one or a few workshops, you can attend individually for $50 each now $40 each.

General Outline of Each Workshop

  1. 30 min overview on the chakra of the day: We will discuss their location in the body, their symbolism in our lives, and how they affect your body, mind, and spirit if they are out of balance. 

  2. 60 min yoga based on the chakra in focus.

  3. 60 min specific chakra balancing activity, nutrition, meditation, and self-reflection. Please bring a journal.

Some of these activities you may not have done in a long time. I invite you to trust your process and be open to learn and embody a more playful side of you. Balance in life takes time and the willing to change.

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Special Instructions

Bring a journal and an open mind (:

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