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The Chakra Workshop with Heathor Kulber
The Chakra Workshop with Heathor Kulber


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The Chakra Workshop with Heathor Kulber(Apr 16, 2023 - Apr 16, 2023)
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Join Heathor Kulber The Chakra Yoga Workshop

April 16th 1:00pm

Chakras refer to various energy centers in your body that correspond to specific nerve bundles and internal organs. The seven major chakras run from the base of your spine to the top of your head. If these energy centers get blocked, you may experience physical or emotional symptoms related to a particular chakra.

Chakras are the nerve centers seen in our body. There are 1,72,000 Nadis(channels of metaphysical energy or life-force) in our body, and there are various nerve centers for these 1,72,000 Nadis. The human body actually has 109 nerve centers, but among those, nine centers are important, and even in those nine, seven centers (Chakras) are of primary importance. And when energy (kundalini) or consciousness flows through these nerve centers, there are different emotions, feelings or sensations that one experiences.

About Heathor Kulber

Heathor took her first yoga class thirty years ago. Broken, overworked and stressed from a grueling graphic design business and a car accident that ended her music business, she knew there was a better way of living instead of just existing. After stepping into her first yoga class to ease the pain of her neck, shoulders, she fell in love with the idea of yoga healing her body, but it also became very clear that her stress levels were definitely less.

It was only natural that she would step into her first teacher training fifteen years ago and never looked back. Her in-depth studies also led her deep admiration for all styles of yoga including Yin, Restorative, and teaching Seniors too. Since Heathor had a professional background in music it was only natural for her to study sound healing as a way to honor her students mind, body and soul. Heathor has now spent the last ten years in studying deep sound healing, and now understands how the practice of yoga will assist you to find your true passion. She now offers spirit drumming, sound baths, private healing sessions and of course will always be there to teach a passionate, loving yoga class.

Please wear comfortable clothing, bring your mat (we do have some extra mats and we have all props), bring snacks and we do have a water filter station and some water for purchase. Please know there are no refunds for this event. If you have any questions please email us at

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