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The Essence of Asana with Jenelle Leat
The Essence of Asana with Jenelle Leat


Aug 11, 2024 - Aug 11, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week
Aug 11, 2024
Days of week:
11:00AM - 2:00PM
Morning Light Studio
Jenelle Leat


This workshop serves as a supportive container for individuals to tap into their inner wisdom, guiding them in moving their bodies within their yoga practice in a way that aligns with their unique needs and intentions. This includes identifying their personal motives for practicing, bringing awareness to any limiting or disempowering beliefs that might be preventing them from optimising the benefits of their practice, and working through personalised alignment cues designed to suit the individual.

Workshop Overview:

Meeting in circle

Optional sharing of one's yoga journey including wins and challenges

Short gentle practice for grounding

Connecting with one's personal intentions for practicing

Exploring a few foundational yoga poses and how to approach them to suit one's personal intentions

Exploring a few more complex yoga poses and how to approach them to suit one's personal intentions

Hour long practice focusing on what was covered

Finishing in circle with optional sharing

This workshop is designed for individuals of all levels who seek a more profound connection with their bodies and a personalised approach to their yoga practice.


When: Sunday 11th August

Time: 11-2pm


EARLY BIRD ends 31st June - $45

Full Price $59 


Here is what some participants have shared about their experience with 'Essence of Asana':

This has given us an understanding of a yoga practice and how it’s not all about 'striking a pose' or manoeuvring your body like a contortionist. We learned to develop a feeling of what our body needs and how to fulfil those needs. - Rob & Amanda D

I have found the grace and courage to be me, both on and off the mat, which has been such a gift. - Leesa G
The subtle adjustments in my form has given me a significantly more enjoyable and pain-free yoga practice. - Ellen M
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