Purchase Option type:
Clinic includes 5 days of classroom and on snow training including the following:
December 16th - 17th, 2022: Ride Rasmussen Style Instructor Guide Clinic
December 18th, 2022: AIARE Rescue
December 19th - 20th, 2022: Wilderness First Aid
Day 1 & 2:
A one day clinic featuring classroom and on snow instruction on standard U.S.F.S. (United States Forest Service) guide requirements and how to teach the Ride Rasmussen Style techniques.
The course will include:
Understanding the Ride Rasmussen Style method of back country ride technique
Teaching tips, what you need to know to teach the Ride Rasmussen Style method effectively
Group management:
Departure check
Group wellness in regards to individual condition
Experience, handling different skill levels in the same group
Travel rules, handling hazards in travel route
Handling emergencies
Broken sled
Life flight procedures
Pre trip and post trip meeting with guides
Managing avalanche concerns
Preparing for the group
Guides equipment
Tunnel bag
Back pack
Clinic starts at 9 am M.T.
Day 3:
Avalanche Rescue is for everyone, whether you are just learning how to use your transceiver, an aspiring professional, or a backcountry traveler with many years of backcountry experience. This one-day course is a place to both learn new skills and keep your existing skills sharp. Avalanche Rescue is a prerequisite for the AIARE 2.
Course starts at 9 a.m. M.T.
Days 4 & 5:
Ride Rasmussen Style's HSI (Health Safety Institute) Wilderness First Aid & CPR is a two day course and is a 16 hour training. The HSI's Wilderness First Aid (WFA) is a 16+ hour course designed to provide participants with the essentials of first aid that will better prepare them for injuries and accidents in the backcountry. The course is taught in a hybrid format with 4-6 hours of self paced online content, and then followed with a field session that is used to progress, reinforce and apply the concepts taught in the course. The field session will be focused on the particular users preferred movement in the mountains and can be tailored to their specific needs. When things go bad WFA responders are faced with limited recourses, preparation and assessment, caring for injuries while preventing further injurie, longer times to care for the victim, along with decisions about when and how fast to evacuate the person. This course covers many topics from injury management to sudden illness. We put a emphasis on winter time motorized situations to help our clients be confident in their back country travel experience. Our courses are tailored with emphasis on motorized and wintertime activities. All Ride Rasmussen Guides are current in wilderness first aid training and bring with them a wealth of experience when it comes to back country motorized travel. Kevin Allred a former EMT on a local first responder unit will be the lead instructor.
Course begins at 9 am M.T.
- Subtotal:
- $1718.10
- Tax:
- $0.00
- Discount:
- $0.00
- Total:
- $1718.10