Dec 15, 2023 - Dec 15, 2023Number of Sessions:
Days of week
Michelle Blanchette is sharing her years of experience working
with chakras, yoga and transformational coaching to offer you this
special workshop focused on discovering YOU!
This two hour workshop will activate the Chakras (energy centers in
the body related to who you are from the inside out) through
journal prompts, strategic Q&A, moving our body, breath &
energy in order to MOVE ourselves beyond personal development into
the self discovery of our natural influence & perfection of who
we are right here, right NOW.
On the journey of finding our true selves in our life, there is a specific process that moves the needle. Our acceptance of ourselves is where every good, amazing and powerful part of us becomes magnified to fulfill our greatest purpose. If we are trying to get clear on anything in our lives, we must begin with accepting ourselves - this is the root chakra - I AM - and the journey it takes us on. Though outside influences can help bring us to greater understanding, our clarity emerges from inside us, not from outside. It is easy on our journey of accepting ourselves to bypass the deeper more long-lasting aspects that will make our self-acceptance “stick!” This is the beginning of your Inner Chakra Wake-up Call & deeper Self Discovery . . .
Bring your journal and yoga mat for this event
Special Instructions
Please note this workshop is nonrefundable and nontransferable.
- Subtotal:
- $40.00
- Tax:
- $0.00
- Discount:
- $0.00
- Total:
- $40.00