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1:1 Personal Movement (1 Sessions)
1:1 Personal Movement (1 Sessions)


Purchase Option type:
Session Pass
Number of Sessions:
1 month
Access to Sessions:
Personal Movement Training (1:1)
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Embark on a personalized journey that transcends the ordinary. Our exclusive 1:1 personal movement sessions are designed to align with your specific goals, preferences, and capabilities, while tapping into your overall wellness training.

Beyond the conventional fitness approach, our space allows for regular intimate sessions allowing you and our personal trainer to strengthen and explore connections within your physical and mental well-being. Guided by our experienced team, these sessions invite you to embrace the fluidity of your body, cultivating a harmonious balance between physical skill and mental clarity. This is a chance to move that will empower and renew your body’s capabilities with targeted exercises to address mind and body.

This package includes one (1) session, each dedicated to a personalized 1:1 experience with a Personal Trainer at Vibe Ten Studio, and is valid for one (1) month from the date of purchase. Please note that extensions or refunds are not available.

Embark on this exceptional journey where every movement is a dance, and every session is a step towards a more connected and vibrant version of yourself. Get in touch with us to schedule your session and redefine your path to movement.

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