Sep 19, 2023 - Oct 24, 2023Number of Sessions:
Days of week
Embark on a Mindful Adventure: Yoga for Tweens
(Ages 9-12)
Introducing a transformative yoga experience designed
specifically for children aged 9-12, our Somatic Yoga class goes
beyond traditional poses, embracing the power of somatic therapy.
It's more than just physical postures it's a journey towards inner
balance, self-discovery, and joyful well-being. Focused on building
body awareness and fostering relaxation, our 8-week program
promises a blend of fun, friendship, and self-discovery.
**Classes integrate the therapeutic benefits of somatics,
nurturing a profound mind-body connection in young minds. Somatic
therapy techniques empower children to explore their body's wisdom,
fostering emotional resilience and holistic growth.
**Key Highlights:**
- Somatic Exploration: Dive into activities promoting body
awareness and sensory connection.
- Mindful Movement: Discover yoga poses tailored for young bodies,
promoting flexibility and strength.
- Emotional Resilience: Equip your child with tools to navigate
stress and embrace emotional well-being.
-Improved Focus: Learn mindfulness techniques to enhance
concentration in daily activities.
- Physical Well-being: Explore the joy of movement through fun and
dynamic yoga poses, dance, expressive movement and
- Stress Relief: Equip your child with tools for managing stress
through breathing exercises and relaxation techniques
Special Instructions
No class on February 20 or March 12 (March Break)
- Subtotal:
- $104.00
- Tax:
- $13.52
- Discount:
- $0.00
- Total:
- $117.52