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Share Pass $235 - 10 Class Pass (valid 4 months)


Purchase Option type:
Session Pass
Number of Sessions:
4 months
Access to Sessions:
Fusion Yoga & Pilates, Party Pilates, Pilates Burn, Pilates Barre Express 45min, Pilates, Pilates Express, Yin, Yoga, Slow Healing Flow, Yoga Slow Flow, Pilates Barre, Express - Fusion Yoga & Pilates, Pilates Summer Sizzle - Bonus Seasonal Sessions!
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Purchase this pass and nominate a pal to share this pass with.
10 classes in total to be shared between the two of you with 4 months to use them.

Maybe 5 classes each? or maybe you're wanting to invite your friend to join you for the occasional weekend class and use the rest for yourself.
(Both attendees will need to have a Wellness Living Login and sign the waiver separately to use this pass)

To nominate your friend to share with you - send their name and email address to Ash: and we can link your accounts

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