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Yoga for Trauma Recovery: Moving into Peace with the Past
Yoga for Trauma Recovery: Moving into Peace with the Past


Jun 29, 2024 - Jun 29, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week


Inevitably, as part of the human experience, all of us endure some form of trauma in our lives. For some of us, especially those with childhood trauma, the effects can be lasting and continue to manifest in our lives while taking up residence in our bodies. Fortunately, research shows that intentional, somatic movement, like yoga, is a modality that helps bring release and healing to those traumas.  

In this workshop, we will discuss the different causes of trauma and the symptoms that often present as a result such as anxiety, chronic pain, inability to self-regulate, dissociation and addiction.  We’ll cover the ways in which unhealed trauma is stored deep in the brain and body and the importance of utilizing movement, specifically yoga, to help foster our recovery.  

We’ll begin with a brief overview of how, especially at an early age, trauma changes how our brains function and perceive danger. We’ll discuss why this means talk therapies alone are often ineffective for healing trauma and how movement helps create change and recovery. Next we’ll move through some breathing techniques and yoga poses that can help build new neural pathways and orient our bodies and brains to the present moment, creating a sense of safety in the body. With these techniques and practices, you will leave the workshop with some tools to help build on your own trauma recovery.    

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