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Introduction to Numerology: Connecting with Joy
Introduction to Numerology: Connecting with Joy


Aug 8, 2024 - Aug 8, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week
Aug 08, 2024
Days of week:
7:00PM - 9:00PM
Zen Heart Center
S. Joy McKeeth


Experience 'Joy' with an introduction to numerology. During this 2-hour class, Joy will teach you the basics of numerology and how your date of birth and the full name on your birth certificate have a daily impact on your life. Learn how to use numerology as a tool to support you in your endeavors. If you value self-exploration, this class offers another layer of understanding about you, which can lead to a greater acceptance of self!
This class is for those who:
WONDER - how to discover what is truly their life purpose.
LIKE TO TRAVEL - back through your life to discover why you tend to repeat positive and negative patterns and experiences.
IMAGINE - having a way to better plan and manage your days, months, years, and experiences in life.
DREAM - of co-creating better, more healthy, and life-giving supportive relationships with others.
CREATE - from this point forward a life that makes sense and supports your highest good.
You will learn the basics of numerology; what each number means and how to apply it depending on where it shows up. And finally,
an explanation of why you see repeating numbers, 111, 222, 333 et al.
Joy will provide a 9-page informational hand out and pencil. Bring a calculator or employ the one on your phone.
If you have questions, feel free to reach out to the facilitator S. Joy McKeeth at
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