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Open Doors Yoga - Duxbury
Sacred Cacao Ceremony and Sound Bath- Open Your Heart to Connection
Sacred Cacao Ceremony and Sound Bath- Open Your Heart to Connection


Dec 9, 2023 - Dec 9, 2023
Number of Sessions:
Days of week


Sacred cacao ceremony gives us time for ourselves in a hectic and stressful world. It is the perfect space to switch off the outside chaos and journey into silence. There we can become clearer of who we are, envision where we are going, and be guided to the opportunities available to us. The ceremony will open the heart and turn off the internal chatter of the mind, which makes it perfect for deep meditation and relaxation. In this altered state, we tune into the stillness where we can bear witness to ideas and truths that feel divine. The ceremonial setting allows the magic of the ancient chocolate plant, Cacao, to ignite your inner fire and feel a drive towards improving all aspects of your life. She (Cacao) is an ancient plant medicine, a wisdom keeper, a teacher, and a facilitator. It is the forgotten plant medicine that assists you on a journey into your heart. Cacao was known to the Ancient Mayans as a powerful heart opener and potent healer and is therefore the perfect medicine for these healing and transformational ceremonies. After we partake in the sacred chocolate drink together, open our hearts, and meditate, we will be bathed in the healing sounds and vibrations of the Himalayas and indigenous roots. You will leave feeling spiritually inspired, emotionally empowered and expansive….ready to live life the life that you are meant to live!
Michael Balonis- The best way to describe Mike is “salt of the Earth” He is an avid naturalist and wildlife enthusiast. Mike is deeply connected with his relationship with Pachi Mama (Mother Earth) and holds high the vision that She provides us with all that we need to live as whole, healthy human beings. Mike arrived at his role as a guide for those who are struggling with wellness, nutrition, and physical health through his own extraordinary health transformation. He received his 200 hour Sivananda Yoga Teacher certification. Sivananda is a classical yoga system founded by the Indian mystic Swami Sivananda who developed the Yoga of Synthesis in which he summarized as: ‘Serve, love, give, purify, meditate, realize.’ Mike has received extensive training in the five limbs of yoga- proper exercise (physical asana), proper breathing (pranayama), proper diet (vegetarian), proper relaxation (savasana) and positive thinking and meditation (vedanta and dhyana). In addition, Mike is a Sound Healing Practitioner and a Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. He combines all of his formal training and personal experience to bring a unique approach of wellness and to his clients. He believes in the theory of bio- individuality, which espouses that each person’s biological and physiological system is unique and requires an individualized plan of health. He fuses physical activity, nutrition, and mental well- being to create a wellness plan that is best suited for each individual. Mike embodies the philosophy of consuming foods in their natural state, unaltered by processing and manufacturing. Mike’s non-threatening “simple man” demeanor makes his clients feel at ease and allows for a climate of authentic sharing.

Lori Fitzpatrick is a personal spiritual guide and healer. She is a certified occupational therapist and is currently receiving her Masters Degree in Consciousness Studies. Lori fosters the mending of old emotional and mental wounds through various healing and spiritual modalities. Lori draws on her Masters level education in melding science and spirituality and the application of quantum physics in the physical world. She is certified in both the therapeutic techniques of Himalayan Sound Healing and Reiki Energy Work and channels vibrational healing energy from these two dynamic modalities to facilitate the release of deep-seated emotional, mental, and physical blockages stored within the body. Lori intuitively feels the body’s emotional and physical resonance and utilizes her instinctual knowledge and former training to uproot long-standing stress and anxiety that lead to illness and disease. In addition to her intuitive spiritual practice, Lori draws on her knowledge as a practicing occupational therapist for over 20 years. She has an extensive understanding of anatomy and physiology and recognizes the integral connection of the mind, body, spirit phenomena of human health and wellness. Her holistic approach allows for wholeness and health to be restored within her clients.

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