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Open Doors Yoga - Duxbury
Sound Healing and Yoga Nidra
Sound Healing and Yoga Nidra


Jan 13, 2024 - Jan 13, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week


Join us on a sacred and healing journey to help settle your mind and soothe your soul.
Susanne will open by guiding you through a restorative yoga posture as you rest upon supportive yoga props and receive optional nurturing touch/light massage, aromatherapy, and Reiki.  A deeply relaxing Yoga Nidra practice will follow as you are bathed in the tranquil sounds of crystal bowls offered by Lori and Mike.  Yoga Nidra or Yogic Sleep, allows you to journey to your deep subconscious to promote clarity, creativity, and healing. 
During the second half of this blissful workshop, you will completely relax while immersed in a profound and soothing sound bath. Sound vibration, a potent energy, provides harmonic resonance to bring the body, mind, and spirit to a state of internal harmony and balance.  Optional nurturing, touch/light massage aromatherapy, and Reiki will also be offered during the sound bath. 
Don’t miss this extraordinary workshop!
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