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Release Breathwork Workshop
Release Breathwork Workshop


Feb 4, 2024 - Feb 4, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week


Release Breathwork Workshop - With Chris & Aleah 

Chris will be leading you through this workshop, Aleah will be there to support and comfort with some Reiki healing. 
you will be given time afterwards to journal & settle. Please be aware that this can bring up strong emotions, These emotions can help you to heal, but also bring up trauma. We offer a very safe environment for you to express whatever you need, and support during and afterwards. Please bring a notebook and journal to write down your thoughts and experiences afterwards.  Take the time you need to settle & calm your nervous system before heading home. 

Release Breathwork is a technique that evolved from Conscious Connected
Breathwork. The breather intentionally connects the inhale with the exhale without any pauses, breathing deeply solely through the mouth.

The active part of the breathing, which involves music, is roughly 20-25 minutes long, during which the participant is flooded with oxygen and can begin to feel sensations throughout the body and mind. Participants have noted feelings of euphoria, a sense of deep love and connection to loved ones and the Universe. At the crescendo of the experience there is a visceral release in the form of a scream.

This is an integral part of the experience, as the scream lets go of stored emotions and possibly trauma. An emotional release that ranges from mild to life charging, with some participants unlocking stuck perspectives from childhood and past lives.

Many of the clients I have worked with have stated that a single session has been as beneficial as years of traditional talk therapy. The Release Breathwork workshop or session is the quickest and deepest somatic therapy that is safe for virtually everyone at any age group.


       A history of cardiovascular disease, including angina or heart attack, high blood pressure, use of pace-maker
       Glaucoma, retinal detachment
       Significant recent physical injuries or surgery
       Mental illness or seizure disorders or for persons with major medications
       Persons who have experienced a psychotic episode requiring hospitalization 
       It has been highly suggested that this work is not suitable for anyone with a personal or family history of aneurysms
       Persons with asthma should bring their inhaler and consult with their primary care physician and the Breathwork session facilitator
       Woman who are pregnant should always consult with their primary care physician before breathing, especially in the later trimesters


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Special Instructions

Please Read Full class description & contraindications before attending this class.

This is an amazing & beautiful practice, it can leave you feeling clear and brand new, but can bring out stuck emotioins and can be a very powerful experience.

Chris & Aleah are trained to help support you, you are in good hands! Enjoy this wonderful experience!

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