Oct 24, 2023 - Oct 24, 2023Number of Sessions:
Days of week
Come twist it out! This workshop starts with a short lecture on how twists aid the physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual aspects. Then we'll do a full practice focusing with more twists to really see the effects. Begin with intention, warm-up in a mindful way using special breathing, shoulder opening, back strengthening, and more. A variety of standard twists will be taught - modifications for all body types and abilities - then cool down with a series of counterposes (pratikriya), a long savasana, and a paired pranayama and meditation practice. Mixed levels.
It's time to grow yourself! Come ask your questions and hear more about our upcoming 235hr Devanadi Yoga Teacher Training & Intensive hosted by Inspiring Actions beginning early 2024!
Register for the Info Session and take a FREE YOGA CLASS with Tanya, beforehand!
Can't make this date? Please contact Devanadi directly at info@devanadiyoga.com to schedule a phone or in-person meeting.
This class is held at Inspiring Actions Yoga Hudson Studio located at 1370 Hosford Street, Hudson, WI 54016
Special Instructions
If you are staying after class to take the FREE Teacher Training Session, select “pay later” and we will comp the class for you.
- Subtotal:
- $25.00
- Tax:
- $0.00
- Discount:
- $0.00
- Total:
- $25.00