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Vedic Thai Yoga Workshop (4 Hours) - Neck & Shoulders
Vedic Thai Yoga Workshop (4 Hours) - Neck & Shoulders


Feb 18, 2023 - Feb 18, 2023
Number of Sessions:
Days of week


Learn to give and receive the Ancient Healing art of Nuad Boran (Vedic Thai Yoga). In this give-and-receive workshop, you will be both the receiver and the giver as you explore the captivating motions and techniques of Vedic Thai Yoga. No experience with massage or Vedic Thai Yoga is required. Kerry will provide hands-on guidance as we flow through a series to relieve the hips and lower back. 

This four-hour Vedic Thai Yoga workshop will be broken into four segments - giving and receiving. The focus will be on Neck & Shoulders and students can expect to learn positions in Seated, Side Lying and Supine.

This workshop is a great way to learn new Vedic Thai Yoga skills while being exposed to the theory and background of this powerful healing art.

Looking to up your current skills in Vedic Thai Yoga? Additional techniques and skills will be offered to more experienced practitioners. 

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