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2024 Holmes Ashtanga Yoga Retreat (double accommodation)
2024 Holmes Ashtanga Yoga Retreat (double accommodation)


Purchase Option type:
Duration Pass
Number of Sessions:
until Mar 10, 2024


Dates: March 2024, Thursday 7th to Sunday 10th (3 nights)
Location: Holmes Camp and Retreat Center, located 55 miles north of New York City at Holmes, NY.

2024 Holmes Ashtanga Retreat Schedule

Thursday March 7th
4:00pm Check-In
6:00pm Dinner
7:00pm Orientation

Friday March 8th
6:00am Guru Pooja
6:15am Mysore Practice with Kim and Aura
8:00am Breakfast
11:00am Pranayama/Meditation with Aura
12:00m Lunch
3:00pm Asana/Pranayama Q&A
4:00pm Yoga Philosophy discussion
6:00pm Dinner
7:00pm Bonfire reunion

Saturday March 9th
6:00am Guru Pooja
6:15am Mysore Practice with Kim and Aura
8:00am Breakfast
11:00am Pranayama/Meditation with Aura
12:00m Lunch
3:00pm Asana/Pranayama Q&A
4:00pm Restorative Practice with Kim
6:00pm Dinner
7:00pm Bonfire reunion

Sunday March 10th
5:45am Guru Pooja
6:00am Led Intro to Second Series with Aura
8:00am Breakfast
9:00am Closing circle

Cancelations and refunds:
Cancellations made at least 30 days before the starting day, will receive a refund of 50%.
Cancellations made less than 30 days before the starting day, will not receive a refund.

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