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Erotic Blueprints Workshop
Sep 14, 2024 - Sep 14, 2024

An exploration and embodiment practice of Miss Jaiya’s Erotic Blueprints.

Are you ready to undertake a journey of self-discovery and intimacy, deepening your connections with yourself and/or your partner?

Do you have a curious spirit and are eager to hop on the journey of personal development and deepen your relationships?
Each blueprint is a map to your own wiring and your own turn-on to better understand your desires and learn how to navigate your partner's desires more effectively.

Join us in unlocking your potential, understanding your desires, and building deeper, more meaningful relationships.

What to expect:

You can expect to leave with a somatic understanding of each of the blueprints and how they relate to your desires and/or how they relate to your partner's desires. We achieve this through the powerful practice of somatic and embodiment exercises.

A 1-page PDF summarizing each of the Blueprints will be shared with you. We strongly encourage you to review the PDF prior to the workshop.

If you wish to find out which Blueprint is your primary blueprint, take the free online quiz.

What to Bring:
Wear comfortable clothes (layers, with a tank top/t-shirt)
Yoga mat or pillow
Water bottle

Facilitator’s Bio:
I’m Gen, I’m a curious being... I LOVE to learn, grow, evolve and expand. It comes as no surprise that my
Human Design is a Manifesting Generator with a 1/3 (Investigator/Martyr) profile. I can get a little
“passionate” or “ Fiery” which again comes as no surprise since I’m an INFJ-T according to MBTI also
known as the Advocate profile. To top it off, an Aquarius-Pisces cusp, which generally means I’m a
peace-loving person who is spiritual, creative, idealistic and empathetic. My curiosity has led me on a
self-discovery journey which led me to this fascination around the mastery and empowerment when we
lean into pleasure & desires and their impacts on our relationships.
I am a certified trauma-informed coach and breathwork facilitator.

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Sep 14, 2024
2:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
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1 Session
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