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Above Average Yoga
When Women Heal: A Heart Healing Retreat
Mar 8, 2025 - Mar 8, 2025

When women take time for themselves, peace emerges. When women go deep, a well of love overflows. When women heal, we become the most confident, beautiful, soulful, magical creature on the planet. It is your time to allow this. It is time to step fully into your light. It is time to be held in sisterhood. It is time to coax the most whole and healed version of yourself to step forward and claim her space in the world.

Join us for eight nights and nine days in the incredible Yucatán peninsula where we blend soulful quiet time in the jungle with the most incredible beachfront accommodations. We will spend time in silent meditation, we will be held in community, release through breathwork, heal through conscious conversations, cleanse ourselves in the sacred waters of the ocean and underground cenotes, experience traditional, local healing modalities such as cacao and temezcal. We will laugh and cry and eat the most incredible chef prepared meals. We will do yoga and dance and set our hearts on fire.

The accommodations will be varied but the environment you are surrounded with will take your breath away and show you why I love Mexico so much! This will not be like your last trip to a Cancun resort, this is part of Mexico that only a few have the privilege to experience. You will not walk out of this retreat the same, it would be impossible.

What is included:

-transportation to the retreat locations

-8 nights accommodation ( some will be shared, ask for a discount if you are open to sharing)

- All workshops, ceremonies and classes

- 5 dinners

- 6 breakfasts

- 2 lunches

-filtered water

- private card reading with Trista

More details with Full itineraries coming soon, but this retreat has very limited space of approximately 10 participants, so claim your space now and trust in the universe to let everything unfold for the good of all.


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Mar 8, 2025
Above Average Yoga
7:00pm - 8:00pm MDT
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1 Session
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