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Inner Bliss Yoga
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Gong Immersion & Sound Bath
Jul 27, 2024 - Jul 27, 2024

The sounds of the gongs and singing bowls facilitate the movement of energy through the body, inviting a meditative space and an opportunity for increased vitality, healing, expanded awareness and higher consciousness. The experience may be different for each person.It is our intention to create and hold a clear and safe space for all to enjoy.

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Jul 27, 2024
6:30pm - 7:30pm EDT
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Tea & Dharma Book Club
Aug 10, 2024 - Aug 10, 2024

As we face the heat of the summer and contentious politics, how can we unleash our (r)evolutionary love and navigate together toward flourishing futures?

Join us for the launch of our (R)evolutionary Book Club to explore this powerful question in community as we read See No Stranger: A Memoir and Manifesto of Revolutionary Love by Valerie Kaur. Inspired by lovely and lively July 4th Tea and (R)evolutionary Dharma with Elizabeth Walsh, this book club will offer a space to come together through meditations and conversations that help us harness our individual and collective powers to heal and co-create thriving communities.

Saturday, August 10, 11-12:30: Part I Love for Other (Chapters 1-3)

Saturday, August 24, 11-12:30: Part II Love for Opponents (Chapters 3-6)

Saturday, September 7, 11-12:30: Part III Love for Ourselves (Chapters 7-9 + Epilogue)

This community event is free through a sponsorship by the Stockade Inn. Though not expected any donations are welcome and will be dedicated to developing the educational programs of the Union Classical Institute.

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Aug 10, 2024
11:00am - 12:30pm EDT
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Full Moon Circle with Mati & Charlie
Aug 17, 2024 - Aug 17, 2024
Full moons offer an opportunity to let go of what we no longer need and circles are spaces to listen to our heart’s song in a beloved community. After we cast a sacred circle, move, meditate and let go, Charlie Adinolfi will bless us with a beautiful sound bath to help make space for new moon wonders.

Starts at 6:30 for food & fellowship. Circle starts 7pm.


“The time has come to breathe & celebrate the goodness that you are”. -Swami Kripalu

Our circle will be an opportunity to the take time and space to welcome
The wisdom of our hearts
Connection with ourselves & one another
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Aug 17, 2024
6:30pm - 8:30pm EDT
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The Conscious BEspoke Experience
Aug 21, 2024 - Aug 21, 2024

Dear Beloved Souls,

You are cordially invited to join me for a Heartwarming Tea Blessing. This soul-nourishing experience is offered based on donations, reflecting the abundance of love and kindness within our hearts. Come and immerse yourself in a sacred tea ceremony that embraces the beauty of the present moment.

Let us create a space filled with blessings of peace, love, and healing, where every sip is a gentle reminder of the nourishment that flows through our body, mind, heart, and spirit. I look forward to sharing this intimate and soulful gathering with you, as we come together to honor the sacredness of life's simple pleasures and the profound connections that unite us all. With warmth, love, and infinite appreciation.

Breath & Light…Mizana

Please note donations are listed based on the limitation of the scheduling software~ please know all are welcome regardless of what you might leave in a donation basket.

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Aug 21, 2024
6:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
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A Restorative Yoga Immersion
Aug 24, 2024 - Aug 24, 2024
Take a moment for yourself and surrender to the splendor of a truly restorative yoga experience. From the moment you walk in the door, you will be deeply cared for. Enjoy the restful and rejuvenating benefits of restorative yoga as you are lovingly placed into a few fully-supported simple postures. Through the use of blankets, bolsters and other props, you will come into stillness and ease. Embark on an inward journey and allow yourself to just be. As the tension dissolves and the sweetness comes forth, you will experience a deep sense of well-being that will stay with you long after you leave the mat.
No yoga experience is necessary to benefit from this beautiful practice, just the ability to get down to and up from a mat on the floor. We’ll do the rest.
Facilitators: Karen Radley
Class size is limited to just 4 participants; preregistration and payment in advance is required.
Wellness investment: $65
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Aug 24, 2024
2:30pm - 4:30pm EDT
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