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“Voice of Truth Women's 2-Day Retreat"
Jun 13, 2025 - Jun 15, 2025

Welcome to the Voice of Truth: Throat Chakra Women's 2-Day Retreat! Embrace your authentic voice and speak your truth!

Voice of Truth is an empowering and transformative Women’s Retreat centered around the energy of the fifth chakra, often referred to as the throat chakra, intimately connected with the color blue. This energy center is the core of communication, self-expression, and truth. Embracing the throat chakra enables us to express ourselves authentically, communicate effectively, and listen deeply. When our throat chakra is balanced and vibrant, we become attuned to our inherent right to speak and hear the truth.

Through a blend of expressive activities and reflective practices, this retreat aims to nurture self-expression, foster clear communication, and strengthen the connection to the throat chakra. Women will immerse themselves in a supportive and empowering environment, exploring movement through yoga and dance, vocal expression through workshops, connection to nature through outdoor activities, and mindfulness practices to unlock their inner potential and cultivate a deeper sense of authenticity and truth.

Highlights of the Retreat:

  • Throat Chakra Exploration: Engage in guided sessions and activities tailored to explore and activate the energy of the throat chakra, the foundation of your authentic voice.
  • Meditation and Yoga: Experience throat-opening meditations and yoga practices aimed at awakening your energy, fostering a profound connection with yourself, and enhancing the balance of your fifth chakra.
  • Vocal Expression Workshops: Participate in interactive workshops that empower you with tools and insights to express yourself authentically, communicate effectively, and strengthen your ability to speak and hear the truth.
  • Nature Connection: Immerse yourself in the natural surroundings, engaging in activities that connect you with the beauty and tranquility of the outdoors. Outdoor activities and mindfulness exercises will deepen your bond with nature.
  • Creative Expression: Tap into your creativity through expressive arts and activities that allow you to visually represent your journey and newfound authenticity. Create tangible reminders of your communicative strength and potential.
  • Women Circle: Share and connect with like-minded women in a supportive community circle. Exchange experiences, insights, and inspiration as you collectively embark on the journey of truth and self-expression.
  • Nourishing Cuisine: Enjoy wholesome and nourishing vegetarian meals that complement the retreat's focus on well-being.
  • And so much MORE!

Retreat Details:

  • Duration: 2 days
  • Dates: June 14-15
  • Location: Clayton, GA
  • Value: $650

Join us for a weekend of self-discovery, empowerment, and Voice of Truth: Throat Chakra Women's 2-Day Retreat! Embrace your authentic voice and speak your truth. Embrace the journey toward a more expressive and authentic you.

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Jun 13, 2025 - Jun 15, 2025
Sat, Sun
9:00am - 9:00pm EDT
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Enroll Early $750.00
2 Sessions
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Women Who Roar
Jul 12, 2025 - Jul 12, 2025

What if your rage is a key to your freedom?

Your anger is a sacred messenger.

Your rage has purpose.

For generations, women have had to stay small to stay safe.

Stay quiet to survive.

Be who others needed and wanted them to be to be accepted.

Which is why it changes your life to experience safety in taking up space..

Freedom to be loud and not die..

Permission to be the “too much” you feared would drive others away

And discover it is magnetic..


This is what it is to embody who and what you’ve always been.

All of you is welcome here.

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Jul 12, 2025
6:00pm - 10:00pm EDT
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1 Sessions
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“Awakening Intuition Women's 2-Day Retreat"
Sep 13, 2025 - Sep 14, 2025

Awakening Intuition: Third Eye Chakra Retreat

Dates: September 13-14

Welcome to the Awakening Intuition: Third Eye Chakra Retreat! Unlock your inner wisdom and enhance your intuitive abilities.

Awakening Intuition is an enlightening and transformative Women’s Retreat centered around the energy of the sixth chakra, commonly known as the third eye chakra, closely associated with the color indigo. This energy center is the core of intuition, insight, and inner vision. Embracing the third eye chakra allows us to tap into our innate psychic abilities, see beyond the physical realm, and develop a deeper understanding of our life’s purpose. When our third eye chakra is balanced and vibrant, we become attuned to our inner wisdom and higher consciousness.

Through a blend of intuitive activities and reflective practices, this retreat aims to nurture inner vision, foster insight, and strengthen the connection to the third eye chakra. Women will immerse themselves in a supportive and empowering environment, exploring movement through yoga and dance, intuitive practices through workshops, connection to nature through outdoor activities, and mindfulness practices to unlock their inner potential and cultivate a deeper sense of clarity and wisdom.

Highlights of the Retreat:

  • Third Eye Chakra Exploration: Engage in guided sessions and activities tailored to explore and activate the energy of the third eye chakra, the foundation of your intuitive abilities.
  • Meditation and Yoga: Experience meditations and yoga practices aimed at awakening your third eye energy, fostering a profound connection with your inner self, and enhancing the balance of your sixth chakra.
  • Intuition Development Workshops: Participate in interactive workshops that empower you with tools and insights to develop and trust your intuition, enhancing your ability to perceive subtle energies and insights.
  • Nature Connection: Immerse yourself in the natural surroundings, engaging in activities that connect you with the beauty and tranquility of the outdoors. Outdoor activities and mindfulness exercises will deepen your bond with nature.
  • Creative Expression: Tap into your creativity through expressive arts and activities that allow you to visually represent your journey and newfound insights. Create tangible reminders of your intuitive strength and potential.
  • Women Circle: Share and connect with like-minded women in a supportive community circle. Exchange experiences, insights, and inspiration as you collectively embark on the journey of intuition and inner vision.
  • Nourishing Cuisine: Enjoy wholesome and nourishing vegetarian meals that complement the retreat's focus on well-being.
  • And so much MORE!

Retreat Details:

  • Duration: 2 days
  • Dates: September 13-14
  • Location: Clayton, GA
  • Value: $650

Join us for a weekend of self-discovery, empowerment, and Awakening Intuition: Third Eye Chakra Retreat! Unlock your inner wisdom and enhance your intuitive abilities. Embrace the journey toward a more insightful and connected you.

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Sep 13, 2025 - Sep 14, 2025
Sat, Sun
9:00am - 9:00pm EDT
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Enroll Early $750.00
2 Sessions
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Women Who Roar
Nov 1, 2025 - Nov 1, 2025

What if your rage is a key to your freedom?

Your anger is a sacred messenger.

Your rage has purpose.

For generations, women have had to stay small to stay safe.

Stay quiet to survive.

Be who others needed and wanted them to be to be accepted.

Which is why it changes your life to experience safety in taking up space..

Freedom to be loud and not die..

Permission to be the “too much” you feared would drive others away

And discover it is magnetic..


This is what it is to embody who and what you’ve always been.

All of you is welcome here.

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Nov 1, 2025
6:00pm - 10:00pm EDT
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1 Sessions
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"Divine Connection Women's 2-Day Retreat"
Jan 17, 2026 - Jan 18, 2026

Divine Connection: Crown Chakra Retreat

Dates: January 17-18

Welcome to the Divine Connection: Crown Chakra Retreat! Open yourself to the infinite and embrace your spiritual essence.

Divine Connection is a profound and transformative Women’s Retreat centered around the energy of the seventh chakra, known as the crown chakra, intimately connected with the color violet or white. This energy center is the core of our spiritual connection, enlightenment, and universal consciousness. Embracing the crown chakra enables us to transcend the physical, connect with higher realms, and experience oneness with the universe. When our crown chakra is balanced and radiant, we become attuned to our highest self and divine purpose.

Through a blend of spiritual activities and reflective practices, this retreat aims to nurture spiritual growth, foster enlightenment, and strengthen the connection to the crown chakra. Women will immerse themselves in a supportive and sacred environment, exploring movement through yoga and dance, spiritual practices through workshops, connection to nature through outdoor activities, and mindfulness practices to unlock their divine potential and cultivate a deeper sense of unity and peace.

Highlights of the Retreat:

  • Crown Chakra Exploration: Engage in guided sessions and activities tailored to explore and activate the energy of the crown chakra, the foundation of your spiritual connection.
  • Meditation and Yoga: Experience meditations and yoga practices aimed at awakening your crown chakra energy, fostering a profound connection with the divine, and enhancing the balance of your seventh chakra.
  • Spiritual Development Workshops: Participate in interactive workshops that empower you with tools and insights to deepen your spiritual practice, enhance your connection to higher realms, and experience oneness with the universe.
  • Nature Connection: Immerse yourself in the natural surroundings, engaging in activities that connect you with the beauty and tranquility of the outdoors. Outdoor activities and mindfulness exercises will deepen your bond with nature.
  • Creative Expression: Tap into your creativity through expressive arts and activities that allow you to visually represent your spiritual journey and newfound enlightenment. Create tangible reminders of your divine connection and potential.
  • Women Circle: Share and connect with like-minded women in a supportive community circle. Exchange experiences, insights, and inspiration as you collectively embark on the journey of spiritual awakening and connection.
  • Nourishing Cuisine: Enjoy wholesome and nourishing vegetarian meals that complement the retreat's focus on well-being.
  • And so much MORE!

Retreat Details:

  • Duration: 2 days
  • Dates: January 17-18
  • Location: Clayton, GA
  • Value: $650

Join us for a weekend of self-discovery, empowerment, and Divine Connection: Crown Chakra Retreat! Open yourself to the infinite and embrace your spiritual essence. Embrace the journey toward a more enlightened and connected you.

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Jan 17, 2026 - Jan 18, 2026
9:00am - 9:00pm EDT
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Enroll Early $750.00
1 Session
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