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Yoga Revolution CLE
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Mama's Night In- Rest & Relax
May 17, 2024 - May 17, 2024

Mama's Night In - Rest and Relax" is a carefully crafted class designed to provide a much-needed break from the fast-paced world that mamas often find themselves in. In today's society, the expectations on mothers to juggle multiple roles and responsibilities can be overwhelming, making it crucial to prioritize rest and relaxation as a fundamental need rather than a luxury.

The class focuses on the idea that slowing down is not just beneficial, but essential for overall well-being. By dedicating time to pause and truly listen to both your body and soul, participants can experience a profound sense of rejuvenation and connection.

During the class, the participants will be guided through a series of gentle and soothing poses, all of which are performed on the ground. These poses are intentionally held for extended periods, allowing for a deep and gradual release of tension from both the physical body and the mind. The use of props is a key component of the class, ensuring that each participant's body is fully supported and comfortable throughout the practice.

The main objectives of the class include:

  1. Calming the Nervous System: The slow-paced nature of the class, combined with mindful breathing, helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system, leading to a sense of relaxation and calm. This is especially important for mamas who often face high levels of stress and busyness.

  2. Stress Reduction: By providing a space for self-care and introspection, the class aims to lower stress levels and promote a sense of emotional well-being. The extended holds in the poses encourage the release of physical tension, which in turn can contribute to reduced mental stress.

  3. Deep Exhalation: The metaphorical deep exhale signifies the opportunity for participants to release pent-up emotions, worries, and physical strain. Through the practice, individuals can let go of what no longer serves them, creating room for renewed energy and a refreshed outlook.

  4. Inclusivity: The class is open to all women, acknowledging that the need for rest and relaxation transcends age, background, and life circumstances. Special consideration is given to pregnant and early postpartum mamas, recognizing their unique needs and encouraging them to join without hesitation.

In essence, Mama's Night In - Rest and Relax offers more than just a yoga class; it provides a sanctuary where mamas can prioritize self-care, find solace in stillness, and nurture their well-being. By dedicating time to rest and relaxation, participants can better navigate the challenges of motherhood and life in general with a renewed sense of balance and harmony

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May 17, 2024
7:00pm - 8:15pm EDT
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Family Yoga
Jun 2, 2024 - Jun 2, 2024

Monthly Family Yoga Class - Yoga Fun for Tiny Yogis!

Description: Bring your little ones to YRC Family Yoga Class, offered once a month, and introduce them to the world of yoga in a fun and engaging way. Our experienced instructor will guide the tiny yogis through various poses and short meditation practices, promoting physical activity, mindfulness, and relaxation.

Age Group: 4-12 years old


  • $25 for Duos
  • $32 for Trios
  • If you have a larger group please email,

Requirements: Each child and parent/guardian attending the class should bring their own yoga mat. If needed, kids' yoga mats are available for purchase. You can buy them from the online shop or directly at the studio before the class. The available options are a Green Dinosaur mat and a Pink Donut mat. Parent/Guardian must accompany tiny humans while in class.

Note: Since this class involves physical activity, comfortable clothing is recommended for both kids and parents.

Don't miss this opportunity to bond with your child while exploring the joys of yoga together. We look forward to welcoming you and your tiny yogis to YRC!

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Jun 2, 2024
5:45pm - 6:30pm EDT
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