Whether you are looking to:
*Step up and into a new role as a barre teacher
*Enhance your teaching of another modality
*Evolve in your own self-developement and knowledge
This Training is for YOU!
Be Empowered to:
Deliver a safe, results-driven barre class for open level.
Sharpen your skills for cueing, correcting, and adjusting
Learn an overview of the amazing fascial system to gain a new perspective on movement
Gain an understanding of the human energy systems to help you and your students transform your health, fitness and life
Become more grounded as a teacher to be of service to each participant in every class
Bring what you learn from this training to enrich your teaching of any
modality, and your own experience of living!
I am proud to be offering this training with the Always at Aum Yoga school. Students in the 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training may choose this training as one of your electives! Yoga Teacher Trainers Contact Robin @ Alwaysataum (631) 235-5307