Kids All Levels Silks 5 Week Series
$110/5 Weeks
These 5-week series are ongoing throughout the year, with a one week break in-between series. This time, our junior aerialists learn beginner fun flips and tricks on the silks! Students will explore a variety of moves while focusing on proper alignment & technique to build upper body strength, coordination, flexibility, and focus on body awareness. These classes promote “overcoming fears & obstacles” all while laughing with our peers!
Series are space limited / quantity sensitive so there are no exchanges or refunds.
In this 5 week series, we will introduce you to the silks circus aparatus! Learn the basics with us and strenghten our bodies and brains! ! We'll go over fundamentals, wrist and foot locks, how to climb and get into beautiful beginner poses and sequneces. A 5 week course is designed for students to uniformly advance together. If any poses don't agree with your body, no sweat! Everything is adaptable :)
-Aerial class packages can not be used towards this series, and missed classes will not be credited back to your account
In this 5 week series, we will have already learned the basics of fundamentals, wrist and foot locks, how to climb and get into beautiful beginner poses and sequneces, with more complex transitions. This 5 week course is designed for students to uniformly advance together. If any poses don't agree with your body, no sweat! Everything is adaptable :)
-Aerial class packages can not be used towards this series, and missed classes will not be credited back to your account
Pre-requisites for level 1: can complete a foot lock of any kind, can climb, can invert from the floor
Kids Silk Hammock 5 Week Series
These 5-week series are ongoing throughout the year, with a one week break in-between series. This time, our junior aerialists learn fun flips and tricks on the silk hammocks! Students will explore a variety of moves while focusing on proper alignment & technique to build upper body strength, coordination, flexibility, and focus on body awareness. These classes promote “overcoming fears & obstacles” all while laughing with our peers!
The level 1 series are designed to be taken multiple times while learning a completely new sequence with different moves each round! This makes it accessible to brand new students coming in, but is still a greatnway to grow and build on newer level 1 skills.
Kids Silk Hammock 5 Wk Series- LEVEL 2
These 5-week series are ongoing throughout the year, with a one week break in-between series. This time, our junior aerialists learn fun flips and tricks on the silk hammocks IN A LEVEL 2 CLASS! Students will explore a variety of intermediate style moves while focusing on proper alignment & technique to build upper body strength, coordination, flexibility, and focus on body awareness. These classes promote “overcoming fears & obstacles” all while laughing with our peers!
To join the level 2 series you must have taken at least 3 level 1 series and have instructor approval.