Level one Reiki training is the foundation for understanding what Reiki is and how it can be applied to enhance and support personal health. The session begins with an introduction to the energetic body and the healing potential of Reiki. We look at the role of intention and purpose in thoughts and karmic disposition. We next explore the history of Reiki and the founders. We learn the 5 precepts of Reiki and traditional Reiki meditation. A series of energy exercises help us to feel & understand energy better. Students will be attuned to level one Reiki. After the attunement, we progress through a series of Reiki exercises to practice, beginning with the Reiki Bear Project (injecting teddy bears with Reiki healing and light - these bears are later donated to children's hospitals and disadvantaged youth programs as a Karmic project reminding us of our role as healers and symbolizing how we must all share our light where it is needed). We move up to energy exchanges with plants and discuss Reiki for animals, and then we progress to self healing practices, touching lightly upon traditional Reiki share activity. This program covers Usui reiki systems, reviewing both defined hand positions and the intuitive method.
- Introduction To Reiki
- Reiki Principles
- What is the Subtle Body
- The five precepts of Reiki
- Reiki Self-Treatment
- Self Treatment hand placements
- Reiki for pets, plants, and food
- Spiritual Cleansing
- The power of intention
- Hands-on Healing
- History of Reiki
- Reiki Bears of Light Service project
- Attunement

Reiki Level 2 training carries the foundation course (level 1) on to learn about sharing Reiki with others. This level prepares students to do Reiki treatments on people, places, animals and situations. The course covers distance Reiki, how to send Reiki through time and space, and reviews many techniques for sending Reiki to those who are not physically accessible. Reiki two covers crystal healing and dowsing with pendulums. Students select a pendulum to keep and will practice with it in the course and they are given other items to take home to serve as totems or aids to a full reiki practice . The laying on of crystals to enhance Reiki energy and chakra clearing is covered. Students receive level 2 attunement and learn and practice the symbols attached to this level. Participants leave prepared to work as a Reiki practitioner.
- Distance Healing
- Reiki across time and space
- Using Symbols and Mantras to Heal
- Pendulum Dowsing/Transcendental dowsing
- The science of energy/physics
- Laying on of crystals and energy healing
- 2nd degree symbols
- Attunement

Level 3A & B Reiki is devoted to refining our Reiki techniques
and studying new healing modalities, and the second day focused on
how to teach Reiki to others and attune students to all levels of
Reiki. After completing 3B training , a student is considered a
Reiki Master, fully prepared to build a reiki
community of their own and to pass on the wisdom through classes
they sponsor. Students must have completed Reiki levels 1 & 2
to participate.
In level 3A, we do a review of Reiki basics and techniques and the
principals and symbols . We then are introduced to three more
symbols and receive the Reiki Master attunement. A series of
exercises offers many life situations where Reiki can be applied,
to refine our skill set and expand our awareness of choices where
Reiki can be of service to others.
Sound and Vibrational healing as well as crystal grids are
reviewed, and students are invited to work with crystals and tuning
forks to experiment with chakra clearing and aura smoothing along
with their Reiki practice.
Students in this level receive a silk scarf as their Reiki
attunement totem, and they participate in a Reiki craft project to
create Reiki stones that they will take home to serve as meditation
inspiration, as well as a tool to learn the correct symbols for
attunements and other reiki practice.
- Crystal grids
- Advanced physiology of energy
- Reading Auras
- New concepts in Healing of others
- Sound & vibrational healing
- Learning to give attunements
- How to pass on Reiki to others.
- Business of Reiki

In this 3 hour workshop, we will explore the seven main Chakras, the energy centers in the body. Through restorative yoga, meditation, gentle movement, sound therapy, aromatherapy, and yoga Nidra, each Chakra will be able to take what it needs to cleanse and heal, allowing your mind, body, and spirit to be renewed and restored.
Root Chakra: Responsible for our feelings of security and stability
Sacral Chakra: Feeds our emotions and creativity
Solar Plexus: The key to our confidence and self esteem
Heart Chakra: Controls our ability to give and receive love and compassion
Throat Chakra: Allows us to communicate and speak our truth
Third Eye Chakra: Is responsible for our intuition, gut reaction, and internal voice
Crown Chakra: Our spiritual connection to ourself, to others, and to the universe. Our oneness with all things
Leave with a renewed sense of purpose, better able to speak your truth, having more confidence in yourself, with a more open heart and feeling a stronger connection to all things around you.