Inversion Dance Studios
Inversion Dance Studios
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Studio Pole Jam
FREE Studio Audience - Final Run Throughs
Foundations of Modern Exotic
Intermediate Modern Exotic
Summer Night Bash
FREE Studio Audience - Final Run Throughs
Till the Year Ends Pole Jam
Valentine's Vixen
Freaky Friday - Fundamental Exotic Dancer Flow
Freaky Friday - Strip & Flow
Valentine's Vixen for Newbies
Valentine's Vixen (some floorwork experience required)
The Beauty of Freedance
Block Party Night
Sexy Chair Dance Workshop
Inversion Holiday Party
Vixen Lap Dance Workshop
The Beginner Baddie BASEWERK Workshop
A Doubles Workshop
All Tied Up - a chair dance workshop
All Tied Up - a chair dance workshop
Farewell Party - Kate and Joline
Photoshoot Posing Workshop w/Mollie
Elbow Grip Tricks Workshop
AcroYoga + Doubles Pole Workshop
AcroYoga + Doubles Pole Workshop
Intro to Level 2 workshop
Abi's Birthday Basewerk Workshop
Dark n' Delicious Holiday Party
Abi's Bedroom Tease & Strip Workshop @4p
Bee's Doubles Pole Workshop 11:30a
Abi's Bedroom Tease & Strip Workshop @6p
Bee's Doubles Pole Workshop 1:30p
Luna's Valentine Exotic Chair Workshop 11a
Luna's Valentine Exotic Chair Workshop 1:30p
Bee's AcroYoga Workshop
Joline's Edgework Workshop (BEGINNER)
Joline's Edgework Workshop (INTERMEDIATE)
Intro to Tumble Downs & Drops Workshop
Shapeshifting on Spin (Level 2 and 3)
Static Tricks & Flips (Level 3)
Beginner BaseWERK
Floor Obsessions (All levels)
A Wickedly Zen Session
Intro to Tumble Downs & Drops Workshop 1:30p
Photoshoot Posing Workshop
Lap Dance Workshop - 11a SOLD OUT
Lap Dance Workshop - 12:45p SPOTS AVAILABLE
Sip & Flow - a community event
In the Flow - freedance workshop series
Bee's Doubles Pole Workshop 11:15am
Intro to Tumble Downs & Flips Workshop
Intro to Pole
Intro to Pole
Shapeshifting on Spin
Abi's Exotic Chair Workshop
The Dead of Night - Halloween Showcase
Intro to Pole - October series
Intro to Pole - November series
Intro to Pole - December series
Bee's Basic Stands Workshop
Luna's Exotic Chair Workshop 11/12 11:15a
Luna's Exotic Chair Workshop 11/12 1:30p
Zen Session: Fantasy Fire Videos
A Sinfully Sweet Holiday Party
Intro to Pole - January series
Intro to Pole - February series
Chair Electrique Workshop
Intro to Pole - Manic March series
Baddie Frame Up & Flow Workshop w/Cat
Intro to Pole - April Awakening series
Community Pole Jam - Southern Gothic
Intro to Pole - May Motivation series
Intro to Pole - Jaw-Dropping June series
Kips, Flips, and Drop splits w/ KATIE TORRES
Rock Is Dead - a pole party
Intro to Pole - Jezebel July series
Bee's AcroYoga Workshop
Intro to Pole - August Adore series
Phoenix Kazree's Spinaholic Workshop
Phoenix Kazree's Signature Tricks Workshop
Intro to Pole - October Occult series
Burn the Witch - 15th anniversary pole party
Intro to Pole - November Noir series
Intro to Pole - December Deviant series
The Sinner's Holiday Party
Intro to Pole - Jumpstart January series
Intro to Pole - February's Fate series
PoleFix - February's Members Only Class
Bee's Posing Workshop
Intro to Pole - March Macabre series
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