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Crystal Bowl Sound Bath w/ Yoga Nidra and Slow Yoga Flow
Jun 7, 2024 - Jun 7, 2024

Join Sound Healer, Kate Stewart and Faith Mcallister for an evening of gentle yoga and yoga Nidra weaved together with a crystal sound bath to offer you deep nourishing rest!

Lydiana will start the evening with a slow flow yoga practice which is suitable for everyone including beginners and pre and post natal.

After the yoga flow, Lydiana will share a guided Yoga Nidra meditation while the Sound Journey begins and you surrender to the soothing sounds of the crystal singing bowls, singing pyramid and chimes!

The sounds of the singing bowls resonate at many different healing frequencies that correspond to each of the chakras / energy centers, helping to bring about balance and harmony and remove any stagnant energy, or anything that is causing us dis-harmony.

The frequencies slow our brainwaves down, quietening down our monkey minds and allowing us to drift into a floaty dreamlike meditative state. This allows our nervous systems to rest, digest, restore and repair.

The intention of this workshop is to provide a safe space to deeply relax and to let go of what is no longer serving you.

Yoga mats, bolsters and blankets provided.
Comfortable loose clothing is recommended and you are welcome to bring your own eye mask.

What is a Sound Bath?
A Sound Bath is an acoustic meditative experience where you lie down, or sit and are “bathed” in sound waves. There's actually no water or bath included in a sound bath :)

The sound practitioner aims to guide you into a deep meditative state where your brain waves will start to slow down.

Each person’s experience is unique. Some people see colours in their inner mind during the sound bath, while others receive insights, realisations or clarity over something that has been worrying them.


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Jun 7, 2024
7:30pm - 9:30pm BST
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1 Session
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